WELCOME TO OUR NEWSLETTER N° 483: November 4, 2010
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Daily news from
AFM dailies by Quendrith Johnson and Vanessa McMahon
Recent dailies from
CANNES Tokyo Fest London Fest
Venice Montreal
San Sebastian Toronto
APSA Nominees Feature at Gold Coast Film Festival
APSA NOMINEES FEATURE AT GOLD COAST FILM FESTIVAL The Gold Coast Film Festival (GCFF) will celebrate films of Asia-Pacific with a program of films nominated in the Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSA). The fourth annual APSA?s will take place on the Gold Coast on December 2 when 31 films from 15 countries and areas will compete for the region?s highest accolade in film. Head...
The Valley Film Festival ~ Narrative Features
The 10th Annual Valley Film Festival presents a series of three narrative feature films. Ranging from psychological thrillers (The Commune) to tense drama (Boiler Room) to a coming-of-age comedy (Driver's Ed Mutiny), these films showcase independent filmmakers from The Valley and other L.A. environs. THE COMMUNE (Elisabeth Fies) When Jenny Cross (Chauntal Lewis) has to s...
The New Czech Cinema 2010/ 14th Czech Film Festival Press Release
Now celebrating its 14th year, the annual Czech festival presents this year a selection of award-winning new Czech features, and demonstrates an increased interest in exploring subjects dealing with the years of Nazi occupation, the different decades of domination by Soviet communism and more traditionally dreams and fantasy as seen in the latest Svankmajer?s movie fresh from Venice and London F...
25 Years And Counting For FLIFF
The Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (affectionately known as FLIFF) has become one of the significant regional showcases of world cinema and American indie films. This year, FLIFF is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and despite the economic downturn in south Florida, is pulling out all the stops for a no-holds-barred celluloid celebration. The Festival comes to its nearly four-we...
Making The Girl Dance: Guerilla Videos at Their Best
by Marc Rickenbach Baby, Baby, Baby Kill me French duo Make the Girl Dance pretty much make it clear that they deserve the award for best use of a marketing budget. In the age of the flip-cam, iMovie and all the other cheap filmmaking paraphernalia that is too easy to get your hands on and use, music videos continue to cost labels a boat-ton of cash for over-the-top productions that mor...
The Valley Film Festival ~ Documentary Features
The 2010 Valley Film Festival presents documentary features on topics ranging from our forgotten heroes (Home from the War) to YouTube celebrities (Butterflies) and The Valley's other film industry (Paid for Pain: The Making of a Bondage Video). VFF is proud to showcases the work of filmmakers all from the San Fernando Valley! Go (818)! For this series of spotlights, we asked the filmmak...
Czech Film Festival in London: N°14
Magmart | video under volcano, international videoart festival
Sevilla Festival de Cine Europeo
Museum of Tolerance International Film Festival (MOTIFF) announces slate of 22 Films
Mar del Plata International Film Festival turns 25.
Canada Film Week in Accra, Ghana
Aspen Film Announces New Shorts Competition
Get your thinking caps on - the Big Pitcher 2010 is here!
Tokyo International Film Festival Wrap
International Film Festival Bratislava
Fesancor festival has grown up, but it still refuses to go feature-length.
Psychotronic.info is back online
Institute of Documentary Film at Jihlava IDFF
AFM and AFI join forces again
EROS Film Fest sends a message: It Gets Better
Amazonas Film Festival line up
FESANCOR Short Film Fest has grown up; sticks with shorts
19th Philadelphia Film Festival ended
Paso Digital Film Festival Uncorks it's 2010 blend
Independence days at Thessaloniki ID 10@51st TIFF
SNEAK PEEK: AFM 2010 Gets Into Swing with 409 Films, 49 World Premieres & 287 Market Premieres
Wheeling & Dealmaking in Santa Monica at The American Film Market AFM 2010 @ Loew's: 2010 AFM Begins by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent Dim the house lights, open the curtains: the 2010 American Film Market (AFM) opens today, Nov. 3 through Nov. 10. Usually you can get a thematic read on this annual cinephile buyer/seller-ama by running through some titles. Conside...
A New Way of Watching
There was a very interesting article on-line in The Guardian newspaper the other day which discussed how film festivals were changing the way that they presented films. The Branchage festival in Jersey was an exemplary example of a new breed of film festival emerging in the UK. During the festival at Branchage this year, they put on a drive-in show of Superman projected on to the side of a dam, ...
Wheeling & Dealmaking in Santa Monica at The American Film Market
16 features at Balkan Survey section of the Thessaloniki
AFM launches with 306 market premieres
Future Of Film Summit 2010 Theme: Dealmaking in the Age of Digital Cinema
Stacey Snider, Co-Chairman and CEO of DreamWorks Studios, will keynote at the 2010 Future of Film Summit. Snider oversees the creative and financial aspects of all film development and production as well as the company's business strategy. Snider joined DreamWorks in March 2006 and since the...
Jurgen Wolff's Screenwriting Sucess
International Jury of the 55th Valladolid International Film Festival
INTERNATIONAL JURY AWARDS OF VALLADOLID INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL The International Jury of the 55th Valladolid International Film Festival has decided to grant the following awards: Golden Spike jointly to: Copie Conforme (Certified Copy) by Abbas Kiarostami (France/Italy) And Sin retorno (...
Future Of Film Summit 2010 Theme: Dealmaking in the Age of Digital Cinema
Santa Barbara International Film Festival welcome Annette Bening
Mannheim-Heidelberg Fest Jury
Bruno Ganz and John Sales’ visits confirmed for Mar del Plata
Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Guest of Honor of the first edition of the 4 +1 Film Festival
The boss comes to Rome...Fest
European award to Zeynep Özbatur
Many Colors, One Voice application launches
Cinemed Montpellier awards
Feature films Golden Antigone (District of Montpellier) Jury : Karin Albou (director), Michèle Corrotti (President and Founder of Arte-Mare), Mazarine Pingeot (writer, critic), Jean-Jacques Bernard (journalist, President of the Syndicat français de la critique de cinéma), Michel Reilhac (director...
BFI London Film Festival Award Winners
The BFI London Film Festival held a special awards ceremony on Wednesday evening to honor films and personalities that have made this year?s LFF the most attended in the Festival?s long history. HOW I ENDED THIS SUMMER by Russian director Alexei Popogrebsky, was awarded the Best Film prize i...
5th Cyprus International Film Festival wrap
Savannah Film Festival Presents Miles Teller With the 'Discovery Award'
Winners Wow Audience at Chicago Children's Film Festival
BIFA nominations and jury members
Doha Tribeca Film Festival 2010 Awards
Hawai Fest audience awards
EFA nominates 3 documentaries
54th BFI London Film Festival Awards
Philadelphia Film Festival Award Winners
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Filmmakers don't miss these ones and submit USING FESTIVALEXPRESS
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The Palm Springs International ShortFest, Short Film Festival & Film Market June 21-27, 2011
Now in its 17th year, celebrated as one of the most acclaimed short film showcases in the world, the Palm Springs International ShortFest has become known world-wide for the extraordinary community of filmmakers it attracts, and for the quality and scope of its programming. . Film submissions are now being accepted through March 1, 2011.
Submit now
Golden Age of Television & Short Script Competition! Final deadline November 15th
Send in those pilots, those specs, those MOW's and those short scripts now and kick off the new year in style with CASH and PRIZES that will position you for the 2011 spec season with a polished script that TV Exec Jen Grisanti and writer/producer Charles Rosin have read!
Submit your script now
Palm Beach Women International Film Festival April 7 – April 10, 2011
The mission of the festival is to produce a world class film festival that will inspire, promote and support women filmmakers, is equally devoted to supporting and enriching local women filmmakers and to serve our community by contributing to the economy and its diverse cultural population.
Submit shorts, documentaries, features films and school works.
Submit online
Itzon - An Online Monthly Film Festival (Rolling Submission)
itzon showcases the best in documentary, animation and fiction from around the globe on an innovative and interactive digital online broadcast platform: the future of TV. Quality film submissions of any length are welcome from all genres worldwide. In addition to the festival awards, itzon offers filmmakers the opportunity to truly interact with their audiences, earn revenue from their VoD viewing figures as well as sell merchandise for their films through the site.
Submit Online Now
The Museum of Tolerance International Film Festival (MOTIFF) November 13-18, 2010
MOTIFF seeks to explore human rights issues and prevent hatred and genocide through the medium of film.
MOTIFF will be screening independent films from around the globe that shine a light on human rights issues both past and present.
Intertwined with classic films that bolster the Museum of Tolerance mission, it will be six days of education, understanding and culture.
The Los Angeles Music Video Festival January 2011
The Festival will bring together the independent music and independent film communities of Los Angeles in a celebration of local musical talent and creativity like never before. If you make music, make videos, like music videos or know anyone who does, come be a part of the movement to save music videos. Join the festival and submit your videos though fest21.com.
ECU 2011 1st-3rd April 2011
Since its inception five years ago, The European Independent Film Festival (ÉCU) has become the premier arena in Europe for independent filmmakers to screen their films tolarge international audiences , to network with producers , talent scouts, agents and distributors as well as exchange ideas with other indie filmmakers. SUBMIT NOW
One of the Premiere European awards festivals, annual competitive special interest film festival of 50 awards of various genres held in Monaco. Are the pioneers of non violent cinema from around the world, includes special nomination "Angel Peace Award" televised 2007 BBC World.
Check the blog on fest21.com
New York International Independent Film and Video Festival Fall Edition in los angeles:
The NYIIFVF is a competitive event and is dedicated to making things happen for emerging filmmakers and screenwriters. The festival has cultivated excellent relationships with thousands of companies in both cities.
Submit online on fest21.com
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Recent Dailies from the circuit: FIFF Namur , Mill Valley, London Festival, Cinemed, Toronto,Festroia, San Sebastian, San Francisco, Tribeca, Cannes, Silverdocs, AFI Fest, Fort Lauderdale,Cairo Fest, Festival d'Arras, Cinemed
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Billets récents sur fest21.com
Le Festival Millenium donne la parole aux jeunes
Le « Festival Millenium » est un festival international de films documentaires né il y a deux ans à Bruxelles. Il présente des fil...
Le bilan du 32e Cinemed
La 32e édition du Festival international du cinéma méditerranéen de Montpellier s'est achevée samedi 30 octobre. Une édition duran...
Les JCC de Carthage se sont terminées, avec un beau palmarès
Palmarès officiel de la section compétition long-métrage : Tanit d'or pour la meilleure ?uvre de long-métrage : Microphone...
Le prix de la Co-production pour Zeynep Özbatur
Une productrice turque reçoit le Prix EURIMAGES Le lauréat de la 4ème édition du EUROPEAN CO-PRODUCTION AWARD - Prix EURIMAGES,...
Palmarès du Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Montpellier
Palmarès des Longs métrages Antigone d'or l'Agglomération de Montpellier Jury : Karin Albou (réalisatrice), Michèle Corrott...
Satis-Le Radio 2010, une fréquentation qui se maintient en dépit du contexte social
Le Satis-Le Radio qui s'est tenu du 19 au 21 octobre, affiche un bilan positif avec 17 867 professionnels qui ont parcouru les all...
Beaubourg, la dernière Major ! par Serge Bozon, avec Pascale Bodet
...du 4 au 14 novembre 2010 au Centre Pompidou, Forum -1 100 ans de cinéma français, visités 10 jours durant, par plus de 60 inv...
Soirée d'ouverture et invités présents au Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Bruxelles !
Dans une semaine exactement, le Festival ouvrira ses portes Rejoignez-nous le vendredi 5 novembre à 20h30 au Botanique pour la ...
Véronique Cayla, présidente du CNC, prend la Présidence d'ARTE à partir de janvier 2011
Véronique Cayla, présidente du CNC, prend la Présidence d'ARTE à partir de janvier 2011 Changements importants à la tête d'ARTE /...
Unifrance lance son festival en ligne
Annoncé à Cannes, le premier festival de cinéma français en ligne se tiendra du 14 au 29 janvier 2011. Il sera accessible aux int...
Arras, plus de 100 invités et une compétition européenne
Palmarès officiel des JCC 2010
Rencontres Internationales Sciences et Cinémas (RISC)
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