I was invited by the Cannes Short Film Corner to talk with Jacques Bensimon, head of the Canadian National Film Borad, with Stephan Lechère from Google Video and Orna Ghenassia from Cinézime at this conference.
Interesting exchanges on fragmented markets, number of opportunities, long tail, community building...
Mercredi 17 mai :17:00 - 19:00 / Short film Corner - Palais 01 - Allée 14Happy Hour, avec la participation de Mediterranean Films Crossing Borders etEuropean Films Crossing BordersJeudi 18 mai :17:00 -19:00 / Short Film CornerHAPPY HOUR, avec la participation de France 217:00 / Short Film CornerRemise du PRIX FRANCE 2 Vendredi 19 mai :11:00 / Lounge Orange (Plage La Mandala)Remise officielle des prix de la 2ème édition du CONCOURS "ORANGE FILM COURT"Président du jury : Christophe Barratier e...
For the first time, Cannes Classics will feature an animator, and the honour goes to Norman McLaren, who won the Short Film Palme d’or in 1955 with Blinkity Blank. A selection of 13 McLaren films has been put together in homage to the great filmmaker and to celebrate 65 years of animation at the National Film Board of Canada.
Jacques Bensimon, Government Film Commissioner and Chairperson of the NFB, said, “McLaren’s genius continues to amaze us. Every film in this program underscores the ...
CALENDRIER DES EVENEMENTS MIPDOC 2005 & MIPTV featuring MILIA 2005MIPDOC 2005 9–10 avrilCONFERENCE MIPDOCLE SHOWCASE DES PROGRAMMATEURSModérateur : Gary Lico, President / CEO, Cable Ready Corporation (USA)Intervenants :. Andy Halper, Senior Producer, Thirteen/WNET (USA). Fabrice Puchault, Programme Adviser, Documentary Unit, France3 (France). Ian Russell, Dept. Controller for News, CA & Documentaries, Five (GB). Janet H. Vissering, Senior Vice President, Strategic Development/CoFinance, Natio...
Le Regroupement pour un festival de cinéma à Montréal and L’Équipe Spectra are pleased to confirm the appointment of international-film luminary Moritz de Hadeln as head delegate, programming of the New Montreal FilmFest. Ms. Erika de Hadeln , who has extensive international film festival experience, will hold the position of assistant director. Mr. De Hadeln, whose appointment gives the Festival instant international credibility, will be backed by a solid Quebec-programming team and a pre...
A FESTIVAL IS REBORN IN MONTREALOne of the more intriguing announcements made here in Berlin is the establishment of a new film festival in Montreal, to be held from October 12 to 23 of this year. Industry watchers have followed the political drama that has been slowly emerging since August with the announcement that the Montreal World Film Festival, a fixture for several decades, had lost its governmental funding from Telefilm Canada and a host of other professional institutions.Criticism had c...