I’ve been doing a bit of phd work this morning and one of the areas I’ve been researching is on film authorship and I appear to have fallen in love with that word ‘auteur’ its such a rich, fresh word and very French (when you say it you kind of feel as if you live there).

When I first started researching this area, I used to think that the word applied only exclusively to film directors, but - to varying degrees – I’d argue that we are all actually authors whether we are film directors, builders or writing a phd. We each have our own craft. Authorship theory argues that a certain, distinctive set of reoccurring signatures contained with a directors body of work is what makes them an auteur. i.e. In QT’s case its his own style of dialogue, strong female characters, homage/intertextuality references & a cool retro soundtrack (to name just a few).

I think my own signatures would include the following – 1. When making notes, I never write in a straight line always to the left side of the piece of paper, 2. I’m always wearing dresses and a minimal amount of jewelry, 3. always punctual and 4. I never eat bacon.   

What’s yours?! Have a think as its actually quite an interesting task, since you learn alot about yourself. Enjoy!