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The 5th Internacional Symposium Fusions in Cinema will take place between 23rd and 24th November 2018, in São João da Madeira, with the support of the Town Council of São João da Madeira.

This 5th edition of the Symposium will be co-organized by the Caminhos Film Festival and the Unity of Development of the Centers of Local Learning of the Universidade Aberta. All the proposals of works will be reviewed by the peers through blind-review, guaranteeing the exemption and impartiality of the evaluation. The works submitted will be published in a book of minutes and the most relevant will be published in a future number of the ICONO14 editorial. The deadline for reception of proposals of communications is until September 15.

Teachers, investigators, invited speakers, specialists and artists of different areas analyze, in this 5th Internacional Symposium, the current artistic and educational practices, the new roles of the different agents involved in the creative and operative dynamics of art, education and culture nowadays.


Cen­tro de Estu­dos de Comu­ni­ca­ção e Cul­tura da Uni­ver­si­dade Cató­lica Por­tu­guesa;
Asociación Científica de Investigación de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Comunicación - Icono14;
Uni­dade Móvel de Inves­ti­ga­ção em Estu­dos do Local (ELO) da Uni­ver­si­dade Aberta;
Plano Nacional de Cinema - Direcção Geral da Educação
Instituto de Psicologia Cognitiva, Desenvolvimento Humano e Social da Universidade de Coimbra




The Caminhos Film Festival and the Universidade Aberta invite you to submit your proposals of communication, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, that don’t exceed the 1500 characters (including spaces), in the following themes (that could be extended to other) of the Symposium:


The relationship between the different arts and cinema: -Architecture; -Literature/Argument; - Interpretation/-Performance; -Music; -Photography; -Fine Arts


The technological evolution and the way Cinema arrives to the audience: -Subtitling, dubbing and audio-description; -The new technologies, Internet and cinema; -The supports, formats and the new media;


Cinema in different pedagogic environments (online and in person); Cinema and Investigation in the educational context; Practices of Cinema in School; Cinema and the new technologies in education; Cinema and Social Networks in formal and informal contexts of learning; Production  of Audiovisual objects of learning with educational purposes using the cinematographic language.


Theoretical approaches, about the audiovisual production in general, including all the genres and platforms of diffusion, framing it in a contemporary context nacional and internationally;
The analysis of the relations between implementation and production of cinematographic and television contents; Cinema and Television parallel ou interconnected worlds.

All the teachers are invited to participate (without communication), with no costs associated, in the Symposium. The registered can have access to a Certificate of Formation, given by the CCPFC with 1 credit for teachers of Basic and Secondary Education with the title “Fusões no Cinema”. The Symposium will have a duration of 25 hours: 10 hours will be presencial, on the 23rd and 24th November, and 15 hours will be online in the following week, with conferences from international specialists in a virtual environment.

The proposals of communication to present must include a definition and delimitation of the object of the investigation; the scientific relevance and pertinence of the proposal; the objectives and the methodology of the investigation/analysis used; the main bibliographic references, and three to five key-words. Each proposal of communication must equally by submitted with a biography of the author(s) with the maximum length of 750 characters (with spaces).

Each applicant can present more than one proposal of communication, and the communications can be presented in joint authorship. All the communications must have the maximum duration of 20 minutes, regardless of the number of co-authors or the number of communications per line/panel.


In its final version the article must have the following requirements:
-Title in Portuguese or Spanish and English;
-Identification of the author(s);
-Identification of the institution to which the author belongs to and the respective nationality;
-An abstract with a maximum length of 1500 characters (with spaces) in Portuguese or Spanish and English;
-Five key-words in the chosen language;
-The Body of the Article must have between 20 000 and 50 000 characters(with spaces);
-Written in one of the official languages of the Symposium (Portuguese, Spanish or English);
-The file must be submitted in the following formats: ‘doc’; ‘docx’; ‘rtf’;
-The images and tables must be sent in ‘jpg’ with 300 dpi of resolution. The images must be sent inserted in a Word document and in a separate file with a legend correspondent to the Word document.
-The bibliographical references must respect the 6th edition of the APA Style.

The final article must be sent to the following e-mail address:



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