Thor-Ragnarok: Of hammers and horns, Avengers and Revengers
Add humour. Suspended in mid space inside a trap-net by the fire demon Surtur, Thor asks a fellow prisoner how long has he been there. Pans out the fellow has already turned into a skeleton by this time, and, on hearing Thor’s query, his jaw (bone) drops off, literally. That’s the first scene, and the first laugh. After a marathon bout as gladiators in a cosmic arena, Thor and Hulk are freshening up, and Hulk comes out of...
Movie memories, by Siraj Syed—X-Men-The Last Stand (2006): Fire and ice
X-Men and X-Women in all their glory, with abilities that, together, are capable of almost anything, like battling forces of the government of the USA, and each other, in this threequel to X-Men (2000) and X-2 (2003). What would have been a trilogy, has continued into 2017.
Having three to four years in between the successive franchise films works for the project, even in later editions, though there was a spate du...
Captain America-Civil War, Review: Danger...Us?
Emerging from the 2006 Marvel Comic storyline, Civil War, this is a top heavy assembly, where the heroes get divided into two camps and battle it out, before realising that unity in diversity must come first, and egos should take second billing. It is about two superstars taking opposing, dictatorial stances, but with so many characters doing their bit for the fans, the film is a democratic treatise. Villains, by comparison, are poorly delineate...
Images Copyright Marvel Comics and Columbia Pictures All Rights Reserved by Marc HalperinAfter a comprehensive worldwide casting search Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios have their new Spiderman, Andrew Garfield has been chosen to portray Peter Parker. Spider-Man returns to the big screen in 3D on July 3, 2012. The new film directed by Marc Webb, will begin production in early December from a screenplay by James Vanderbilt. Bloggers, pop culture commentators, and everyday fans have spe...