As Greek As it Gets is a romantic comedy to be produced by Little Studio Films written by Australian screenwriters Helene and Peter Paroulakis.
"Found Objects" will have its Greek premiere in the Athens International Digital Film Festival, September 7-17th, 2013. The film will be projected in the L.A. (Life n' Art) Theater. "Found Objects" deals with art and fame and how life in art requires some balancing...
The film was generously supported in the camera department by Canon USA, Inc. The C300 was provided for the July 2012 production. Cinematography is by Brandon Bondehagen.
For more info on the festival: htt...
'Counting Happiness' is the story of a five-year-old boy, Hasan, who lives alone on the streets of Delhi selling clockwork chicken. Driven by a firm belief that some mysterious secret lies hidden and awaiting discovery, he playfully seeks it out and finally finds it in the sequence of five - the number of the letters in his name. Hasan’s faith in the attainability of happiness presents him with a gift: the key to ...
"Covariance" received invitations to 5 more festivals this week!
The film will screen for at least 3,000 people at the Bushfire Film Festival in Malkerns, Swaziland at the end of May.
From June 1-17, it screens with CinemAvvenire in Rome, Italy.
It continues a tour of Italy with Cinema da Mare Film Fest from July to September.
At the end of September, the film has its Greek premiere at the Patras International Film Festival in Patras City.
The final invita...
Secret agent Dominick Deladoor wakes up after being in coma for 6 years. His memory progressively comes back and with that comes trouble. However in the world of secret services what appears is not always what it seems to be. Who is John Valos, and why is Valos so eager to kill Deladoor? And in the end what is the role of Dominick’s father?
DARK LEGEND is the fourth film of director ZAHOS SAMOLADAS. The film goes back to the roots of vampirism, Lamia and the ancient fables of Greece. It is the story of two brothers with leathal forces, two vampires Manoyil and Drakon, both children of Lamia. Their different origin, separates them in the path that leads to the dark side of their existence. The snob and vicious Drakon, wants simply to dominate on all mortal and immortal and Manoyil the son of a mortal, who wants to collaborate with humans. Between them two women, Thalia and Niki accept the call of the night creatures. But the moral code of Manoyil brings him confronted with his dark substance. In the path of history and Time Manuel will fall in love with Niki a girl that saves from the death from the hands of Germans in 1943, and the pain. Two vampires that become the terror of their opponents and will keep up to the end their scary secret.
ÉCU is pleased to present you its two new festival partners from Greece: The Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People and The European Meeting of Young People’s Audiovisual Creation – Camera Zizanio.
The Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People was created in 1997 and is the only institution in Greece specialized in cinema for children and young people. The event is actively suppo...
Jack Rousseau is a screenwriter based in the UK.
Completed feature-length screenplays inlude:
Forging the Iron Lady - political drama for TV
Shocking the Donkeys (co-writer James Collins) - comedy (in development)
Help Me (co-writer Matthew John) - drama
Other People's Dreams (co-writer James Collins) - suspense/thriller
Screenplays currently being worked on include:
Jellybean Republic (co-writer James Collins) - comedy
The Saddling (co-writer Ja...
CALLFOR ENTRIESΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΗΣ 6thCrashfest InternationalShort Film Festival 1.Call for entries to the TV Spot competition The 6thCrashfest, that will take place in Thessaloniki,Greece, 27-28-29May, 2011, invites you to submit your TV spot to the TV Spot Competition.The TVspot must be 20 seconds long, out of which the four (4) last seconds must be “6thCRASHFEST - International Short Film Festival.The deadline is April, the 15th,2011.Rulles of entry 2011: http://cras...
Are you looking for film festivals in Greece? Use our country festival search engine to search by Call for entry, Date and Submission Fee.**ALL**&filter4=**ALL**
You can also search festivals accepting film submission on
THE August screening in Bangkok of Stefan Haupt's "A Song for Argyris" is still on my mind, even though a month has gone by and I have seen more than 20 movies since.
Haupt is of Swiss-German extraction which makes this documentary all the more extraordinary, because it tells the true story of terrible atrocities committed by the Nazis during their occupation of Greece in WWII.
Haupt lives in Zurich and wasn't in Bangkok for the screening, but he is on record as ack...
THESSALONIKI 2007, TOP TO BOTTOM by Alex deleon, Cracow, November 14, 2007for<> PHOTO: John Sayles holding his Golden Alexander Aloft PREVIEWS OF COMING ATTRACTIONS The 48th Installment of the Thessaloniki Film Festival will take place in Greece's Second City from November 16 - 25, 2007. Thessaloniki, also known by the shorter name of "Salonika" is next to Athens the largest city in Greece and, in many ways, a more cosmopolitan city in terms of non-G...
The Cinema Club of T.U.C.TH. - Greece, wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Creative - full of great movies - year!!!
BEST FULL LENGTH GREEK PICTURE Omega - B.Mplioumis - GR- Fict - 68' - 2006
BEST FULL LENGTH FOREIGN PICTURE Sonya - Kirsi Marie Liimatainen - DE - Fict - 73' - 2006
BEST SHORT PICTURE The letter - Martin Doepner - CA - Fict - 7' 31'' - 2006
BEST DOCUMENTARY Mimetoliths - Algis Kemezys - CA - Doc - 60' - 2006
BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN DIRECTING Glasshouse - Aaron Kim - KOR - Fict - 29' - 2005
BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN CINEMATOGRAPHY Imaginary Ordinary - Kristoffer Borgli Tho...
Some creators in action, during the festival!
Some view from our screenings' hall
A picture taken from a film screening
A little fest before the award announcement!!!
Watch the tv spot of the 8th Panorama of Independent Film Makers - T.U.C.TH.
The Trade Union Centre of Thessaloniki and the Cinema Club of Culture Department, welcomes you at
8th Panorama of Independent Film Makers - T.U.C.TH
With plenty of care by the team of volunteers of our Club, the entire support of Secretary of Culture Grigoris Katsiarmas, as well as the big correspondence of the Film Makers that honoured our festival with their attendances, we exceeded all the problems and kept the "dream", for one year more, alive!
We thank our sponsors for their precious...
8th Panorama of Independent Film Makers T.U.C.TH. - Some pictures of the films that are being screening in the festival
8th Panorama of Independent Film Makers - Masterclass for the art of acting, by Mr. Mitrou, at December 11th
Little chat about the films they just saw...
Waiting for the screening to begin...