16 Documentaries and 5 Dramas; a Focus on the Power of the Mediawww.hrw.org/en/iff The 15th edition of the Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be presented in London from 23 March to 1 April, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The international feature programme includes 16 documentaries and 5 dramas, from Belgium, Colombia, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Guantanamo, Guatemala, Hebron, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, Lebanon, Los Angeles, Peru, South Africa, Turkey, Yemen and Yugoslavia. Many of t...
“This is the renewed rebellion
This is the recharged fight against the establishment of the expected-
This is the rebirth of the battle for brave new ideas-
This is Sundance, reminded-
This is your call to join us”
and this was what appeared on every projection screen while you took your seat and stripped off layers of weather proofing at the (26th Edition) of the Sundance Film Festival 2010. They announced that a fresh wind had blown through Park City, (bringing with ...