Tuesday, July 1----------With the American economy in the crapper and the dollar at near record lows, a trip to the Cannes Film Festival has become an inexpensive indulgence, even for the media professionals who “must” be there. For the general public, who may be curious about what goes on along the famed shores of the Riviera, the difficulty of being part of the Cannes action is doubly difficult. Well, for the past month, Cannes has been made affordable and surprisingly accessible, with t...
Saturday, December 16---A retrospective of the career of French director Jacques Rivette has been unspooling at New York's Museum of the Moving Image since mid November. Several of the director's most ambitious and least known film gems are yet to be screened, as the series continues through the month of December. Intrepid film lovers should run, not walk, to this rare and wonderful series of a true cinema original.
Rivette was a one-man film revolution. A critic for the influential film mag...
A retrospective of the career of French director Jacques Rivette has been unspooling at New York's Museum of the Moving Image since mid November. Several of the director's most ambitious and least known film gems are yet to be screened, as the series continues through the month of December. Intrepid film lovers should run, not walk, to this rare and wonderful series of a true cinema original. Rivette was a one-man film revolution. A critic for the influential film magazine Cahiers du Cinema, a f...
Née à Nîmes, Bernadette Lafont se destinait à la danse. Elle entre à l'opéra de Nîmes où
elle fait la connaissance de son futur mari Gérard Blain. À Paris, elle rencontre François
Truffaut, qui lui offre son premier rôle dans Les Mistons (1957). Elle devient rapidement
une figure représentative de la Nouvelle Vague. Elle a été l'héroïne de Une belle fille
comme moi de François Truffaut et des films de Claude Chabrol comme Le beau Serge.
Elle interprète le rôle de Marie dans L...
The 25th Annual Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) will open on September 28 with a screening of Pedro Almodóvar’s VOLVER. Festival Director Alan Franey also announced a few of the special events and thematic highlights of this year’s festival, which will take place September 28 to October 13 at ten theatres in the Vancouver area, again centred at the Empire Granville 7 Cinemas.“In our 25th year, rather than reflecting on the past, the VIFF looks to the future with much curiosit...