The 22nd Tokyo International Film Festival, held from October 17 (Sat) until October 25 (Sun), 2009, has played an integral role in Japan's film industry and cultural scene since its establishment in 1985. TIFF aspires to be recognized as one of the four major film festivals in the world - in the same league as Cannes, Venice and Berlin, which now stand at the summit of the more than 2,600 international film celebrations.
"Films don't necessarily have to portray the era, however,...
A press conference was held on September 16th (Wed) at Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. The press conference opened with welcome addresses by Hideyuki Takai (President, UNIJAPAN) and Tom Yoda (Chairman, 22nd Tokyo International Film Festival). Film Festival Ambassador Yoshino Kimura and Green Ambassador Anne also addressed the audience. Special guests were Jinsei Tsuji, director of the film ACACIA, which is one of the entries in the Competition Section, and Antonio Inoki, who played the lead role in the...
A press conference was held on September 16th (Wed) at Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. The press conference opened with welcome addresses by Hideyuki Takai (President, UNIJAPAN) and Tom Yoda (Chairman, 22nd Tokyo International Film Festival). Film Festival Ambassador Yoshino Kimura and Green Ambassador Anne also addressed the audience. Special guests were Jinsei Tsuji, director of the film ACACIA, which is one of the entries in the Competition Section, and Antonio Inoki, who played the lead role in the f...
On September 18 (Thu), the lineup of the 21st Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) was announced at a press conference at Roppongi Hills venue, one month prior to its commencement.
Hideyuki Takai, President, Japan Association for International Promotion of the Moving Image, was introduced as a person who is an authority of visual manufacturing industry and content business, bureaucracy, politics and business both domestic and worldwide. Tatsumi Yoda, the TIFF Chairman, spoke of his aspir...