The 2011 Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), presented by American Express®, today announced its lineup for the 2011 Special Events and Tribeca Talks® panel series. The component programs are “Tribeca Talks: After the Movie,” “Tribeca Talks: Industry,” “Tribeca Talks: Pen to Paper, hosted by Barnes & Noble,” the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival panel, and new this year, in celebration of the tenth Festival, the “Tribeca Talks: Directors Series,” featuring one-on-one conversations wit...
The Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), announced its feature film selections in the Spotlight and Cinemania sections, as well as Special Screenings and the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival lineup. The 10th edition of the Festival will take place from April 20 to May 1 in lower Manhattan.
"Now that the majority of the program has been announced I believe you will see the rich variety and quality of the films and talent that we are presenting at Tribeca this year," s...
6th Zurich Film Festival: September 23 – October 3, 2010 All of the 6th Zurich Film Festival’s awards go to European countries. The three Competition Juries gave their Golden Eyes to Serbia ("The Woman with a Broken Nose” by Srdjan Koljevic), Germany ("Das Lied in mir“ by Florian Cossen) and Denmark ("Armadillo“ by Janus Metz). Each award is endowed with a 20 000 Swiss franc cash prize and 60 000 Swiss francs for promotion of the film in Switzerland. The Serbian film "The Woman with a ...
The Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) announced today the members of the three juries that will preside over competition categories at the 6th edition of the Festival, which takes place September 23 - October 3, 2010. The juries were revealed today by ZFF Directors Karl Spoerri and Nadja Schildknecht.
Academy Award® nominee Frank Langella ("Frost/Nixon" "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" "Superman Returns") has accepted the role of Jury President for the ZFF's ...
Friday, January 19----The Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW) and the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) have announced nominations for outstanding achievement in writing for the screen during the 2006 season. Chosen by a membership of their peers, this is the highest accolade a screenwriter can hope for, aside from a Best Screenplay Oscar.
Guillermo Arriaga, BABEL
Peter Morgan, THE QU...
If you think the only San Francisco love fest took place during the summer of 1967, think again. No one was wearing flowers in their hair at the Castro Theatre on the May 4th Closing Night of the San Francisco International Film Festival, but a special feeling was certainly in the air. Graham Leggat, the executive director of the San Francisco Film Society (SFFS), took the stage to applause and hoots and whistles, stating, “G’d evening, guys. No festival from Alaska to Argentina has done so...