16 Documentaries and 5 Dramas; a Focus on the Power of the Mediawww.hrw.org/en/iff The 15th edition of the Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be presented in London from 23 March to 1 April, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The international feature programme includes 16 documentaries and 5 dramas, from Belgium, Colombia, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Guantanamo, Guatemala, Hebron, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, Lebanon, Los Angeles, Peru, South Africa, Turkey, Yemen and Yugoslavia. Many of t...
Colombia's Film Law
In 2003, Law 814 - also known as the Film Law -- was issued in Colombia, to ensure integral development in the sector and promote the entire film-related production chain: affecting creators, producers, distributors and exhibitors as well as conservation of audiovisual heritage, the formation and development of technologies, and other aspects. This document briefly summarizes the Law's two main financing mechanisms: tax incentives for...