September 19 - 21, 2008
Submit your films to the second annual South Dakota Film Festival. Short film submissions and feature film submissions are being accepted in the categories of Animation, Documentaries and Narrative. Check ou the website for entry forms and deadlines. And plan to attend this year's festival!
The South Dakota Film Festival is looking for films to headline this year's event. Emphasis will be given to submissions made in or by filmmakers from the Great Plains region (SD, MN, ND, IA, WY, NE). However, regional considerations are only one of many factors considered in the final draw of films chosen for the "South Dakota Film Festival" as last year 17 states and 3 countries were represented. The South Dakota Film Festival will screen the "best" films submitted regardless of their geographic origin.
Festival takes place September 19-21 at Capitol Theatre, Alberdeen, SD.
Entries will be accepted beginning March 1st and ending June 30th. Extended deadlines are available.
For more information visit