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Robert Trivers CV honors and publications


ROBERT TRIVERS: Picture Taken By: Dr. Luis Diaz


Biosocial Research Foundation

117 Agress Road

Millstone Twp, NJ 08510




Born:  February 19, 1943 in Washington, DC




2017 – 2018              Presidential Fellow, Biology and Evolutionary Psychology, Chapman University

1994 - 2017              Professor of Anthropology and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University

1999 - 2017              Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics, UMDNJ

1978 - 1994              Professor of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz

1975 - 1978              Associate Professor of Biology, Harvard University

1973 - 1975              Assistant Professor of Biology, Harvard University

1971 - 1972              Instructor in Anthropology, Harvard University




1972                        Harvard University, Biology, Ph.D.

1965                        Harvard University, History, B.A.


HONORS AND AWARDS                                   

2009 - life                Honorary Distinguished Fellow, University of the West Indies, Kingston

2008 - 2009              Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Berlin

2007                        Crafoord Prize, Biological Sciences, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2005                        Distinguished Animal Behaviorist Award, Animal Behavior Society

2005                        American Academy of Arts and Sciences (member)

  1. Honorary Doctor of Letters, Amherst College

2000 - 2001              John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship

2000 - 2001              Smithcline-Beecham Fellowship in Genetics and the Law, Arizona State

  1. Regents Fellowship of the Smithsonian Institution




2017                        Enhanced Education Foundation, $30,000

2016                        Enhanced Education Foundation, $40,000, CHES $5000

2015                        Australian Research Council, $290,000, co-PI

2015                        Enhanced Education Foundation, $20,000

2015                        CHES $6018 and Biosocial Research Foundation, $7510

2014                        CHES, $4,500          

2014                        Enhanced Education Foundation, $30,000

2014                        CHES and Biosocial Research Foundation, $10,500

2013                        Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, $20,000

2013                         Enhanced Education Foundation, $20,000

2012—2014             Australian Research Counsel,   $236,250, co-PI

2011                        COUG Foundation,   $25,000

2009—2012              Biosocial Research Foundation,   $47,800

2008—2009             Biosocial Research Foundation,   $22,750

2007—2008             Biosocial Research Foundation,   $11,400

2006—2007              CHES and Biosocial Research Foundation,  $18,600        

2005—2006              CHES and Biosocial Research Foundation,  $12,900

2004                        National Science Foundation, $24,900, co-PI

2002—2003             Biosocial Research Foundation, $5,600

2001 – 2002             Biosocial Research Foundation, $8,900

1999—2000             Biosocial Research Foundation, $18,000

1998—1999                Biosocial Research Foundation, $20,060

1997—1998                Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, $20,000

1995 - 1996              Rutgers University, $25,000

1994 - 1996                 Biosocial Research Foundation, $6,130

1994—present          Rutgers University, $5,000 annually

1993 - 1994              Biosocial Research Foundation, $11,850

1992 - 1993              Biosocial Research Foundation, $18,300

1990 - 1992              Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, $25,000

1978 - 1993              Faculty Research Council, UCSC, annual award of about $1,000

1989 - 1990              Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, $11,730

1987 - 1988              Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, $46,590

1979                        Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, $22,900

1976 - 1978              National Science Foundation, $44,000

1974 - 1977              Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, $34,000

1972                        NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship

1969 - 1971              NSF Pre-doctoral Fellowship



Social Evolution, Natural Selection and Social Theory

Deceit and Self-deception, Human Evolutionary Genetics

The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements




Smith, M.K., Trivers, R. and von Hippel, W. 2017. Self-deception facilitates interpersonal

persuasion. Journal Economic Psychology


Trivers, R. 2017. Experiments in evolution: the eradication of malaria. J


Manning, J.T., Fink, B. and Trivers,  R. 2017. The Biology of Human Gender.  In T.K. Shackelford, V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science.


Lynch, R., Palestis, B.G. and Trivers, R. 2017. Religious devotion and extrinsic religiosity affect in-group altruism and out-group hostility oppositely in rural Jamaica. Evolutionary Psychological Science. doi:10.1007/s40806-017-0103-y


Palestis, B.G. and R. Trivers. 2016. A longitudinal study of changes in fluctuating asymmetry

with age in Jamaican youth. Symmetry 8: 1-11.


Manning, J., Trivers, R. and Fink, B. 2017. Is Digit Ratio (2D:4D) related to Masculinity

Femininity? Evidence from the BBC Internet Study: Evolutionary Psychological Science

3: 316-324.


Murphy, S. C., von Hippel, W., Dubbs, S. L., Angilletta Jr., M. J., Wilson, R. S.,

Trivers, R., & Barlow, F. K. 2015. The role of overconfidence in romantic

desirability and competition. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41: 1036-1052.


Trivers, R. 2015. Wild Life: Adventures of an Evolutionary Biologist. New Brunswick,

Biosocial Research Publishers (published also in Spanish. 2016. Vida indomita, Bosch)


Trivers, R. 2015. Memories of Irven DeVore, Evolutionary Anthropology 24: 85–100.


Trivers, R., Palestis, B.G., Fink, B., & Manning, J.T. 2015. Is foot asymmetry a correlate of hand performance asymmetry? Evidence from the Jamaican Symmetry Project. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1, 13-17.


Trivers, R., Fink, B., Russell, M., McCarty, K. James, B. and Palestis, B. B. 2014. Lower Body symmetry and running performance in elite Jamaican track and field athletes. *PLOS ONE *9(11): e113106. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113106\

Fink, B. and Trivers, R. 2014. Cognitive simplicity and self-deception are crucial in martyrdom and suicide terrorism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37: 366-367.

Manning, J.T., Fink, B. and. Trivers, R. 2014. Digit ratio (2D:4D) and gender inequalities across nations. Evolutionary Psychology 12: 706-717.

Fink, B., Manning, J.T. and Trivers, R. 2014. Body symmetry and physical strength in human males. American Journal of Human Biology 26: 697-700.


Kalokerinos, E.K., von Hippel, W., Henry, J.D. and Trivers, R. 2014. The aging positivity effect and immune function: Positivity in recall predicts higher CD4 counts and lower CD4 activation. Psychology and Aging.


Palestis, B.G., Trivers, R., Zaatari,D. 2014. Symmetry and dance: A case of scientific fraud.

The Winnower. DOI: 10.15200/winn.140076.67602


Trivers, R., Hopp, R. and Manning, J.T. 2013. A longitudinal study of digit ratio (2D:4D)

and its relationships with adult running speed in Jamaicans. Human Biology 85: 623-626.

Brown, W.M., Cronk, L., Jacobson, A., Liu. C.K., Popovic, Z. and Trivers. R. 2013. Retraction: Dance reveals symmetry especially in young men. Nature 504: 470.


Trivers R, Palestis BG, Manning JT. 2013. The symmetry of children’s knees is linked to their

adult sprinting speed and their willingness to sprint in a long-term Jamaican study. PLoS ONE 8(8): e72244.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072244.


Manning, J.T., Kilduff, L.P. and Trivers, R. 2012. Digit ratio (2D:4D) in Klinefelter's

Syndrome. Andrology, doi: 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2012.00013.x


Lynch, R. and Trivers, R. 2012. Self-deception inhibits laughter and humor appreciation.

Journal of Personality and Individual Differences 53: 491-495.


Trivers, R. 2011.  Deceit and Self-deception: Fooling Ourselves the Better to Fool Others.

London: Penguin.


Trivers, R. 2011. The Folly of Fools: Deceit and Self-deception in Human Life. NewYork: Basic

Books (published also in German, Spanish, Korean, Italian, Russian, Finnish, Greek,   Portuguese, Chinese and Taiwanese).


Von Hippell, B. and Trivers, R. 2011. The evolution and psychology of self-deception. 

Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34: 1- 56.


Trivers, R. 2010. In memory of George C. Williams, 9/11/2010;


Palestis, B. G., Cabrero J., Trivers, R. and Camacho, J. P. M. 2010. Prevalence of B chromosomes in Orthoptera is associated with shape and number of A chromosomes. Genetica 138: 1181-1189.


Trivers, R. 2010. Deceit and self-deception. In P. M. Kappeler and J. Silk (eds.) Mind the Gap. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.


Trivers, R. 2009. Genetic conflict within the individual. Berlin:  Sonderdruck der Berliner- Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschschaften 14: 149-199.   


Zaatari, D., Palestis, B.G. and Trivers, R. 2009. Fluctuating asymmetry of responders affects  offers in the Ultimatum Game oppositely according to attractiveness or need as perceived           by proposers. Ethology 115: 627-632.


Trivers, R., Palestis, B.G. and Zaatari, D. 2009. The Anatomy of a Fraud: Symmetry and

Dance. Antioch, CA: TPZ Publishers.

Zaatari, D. and Trivers, R. 2007. Fluctuating asymmetry and behavior in the ultimatum game in Jamaica. Evolution and Human Behavior 28: 223-227.

Trivers, R., Manning, J.T., and Jacobson, A. 2006. A longitudinal study of digit ratio (2D:4D) and other finger ratios in Jamaican children. Hormones and Behavior 49: 150-156.


Burt, A., and Trivers, R.  2006.  Genes in Conflict: The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements. Cambridge, Harvard University Press (published also in Italian, Japanese and Turkish)


Brown, W.M., Cronk, L., Grochow, K., Jacobson, A., Liu. C.K., Popovic, Z. and Trivers. R. 2005. Dance reveals symmetry especially in young men. Nature 438: 1148-1150.


Trivers, R. 2005. Reciprocal altruism: 30 years later. In C.P. van Schaik and P.M. Kappeler (eds.) Cooperation in Primates and Humans: Mechanisms and Evolution. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp 67-83.


Levin, DA, Palestis, B.G, Jones, R.N and Trivers, R. 2005.  Phyletic hot-spots for B chromosomes in Angiosperms. Evolution 59: 962-969.


Trivers, R. 2004. Mutual benefits at all levels of life. Science 304: 964-965.


Manning, J.T., Stewart, A, Bundren, P.E., and Trivers, R.L. 2004. Sex and ethnic differences in 2nd to 4th digit ratio of children. Early Human Development 80:161-168.


Penton-Voak, I.S., Jacobson, A., and Trivers, R. 2004.  Population differences in attractiveness judgments of faces: comparing a British and Jamaican sample.  Evolution and Human Behavior 25: 355-370


Palestis, B.G., Trivers, R. Jones, R.N. and Burt, A.  2004.  The distribution of B chromosomes across species.  Cytogenetics and Genome Research 106: 151-158.


Trivers, R, Burt, A, and Palestis, B.G. 2004. B chromosomes and genome size in flowering plants. Genome 47:1-8


Palestis, B.G., Burt, A., Jones, R.N. and Trivers, R.  2004.  B chromosomes are more frequent in mammals with acrocentric karyotypes: support for the theory of centromeric drive.  Proc. Royal. Society. B Suppl.271: S22-S24.


Trivers. R.  2002.  Natural Selection and Social Theory: Selected Papers of Robert Trivers. New York: Oxford University Press.


Cashdan, E, and Trivers, R.  2002.  Self-deception.  In M. Pagel (ed.) Encyclopedia of Evolution. New York: Oxford University Press.


Manning, J., Martin, S., Trivers, R., and Soler, M..  2002.  2nd to 4th digit ratio and offspring sex ratio.  J. theor Biology 217: 93-95.


Trivers, R. 2000.  William Donald Hamilton (1936-2000) – Obituary. Nature 404: 828.


Manning, J.T., Barley, L., Walton, J., Lewis-Jones, D.I., Trivers, R.L., Singh, D., Thornhill, R., Rohde, P., Bereckie, T., Henzi, P., Solder, M., and Szwed, A. 2000.  The 2nd:4th digit ratio, sexual dimorphism, population differences and reproductive success: evidence for sexually antagonistic genes.  Evolution and Human Behavior 21: 163-183.


Trivers, R.  2000.  The elements of a scientific theory of self-deception.  Annals NY Acad Sciences 907: 114-131.


Manning, J.T., Trivers, R., Thornhill, R. and Singh, D.  2000.  The 2nd:4th digit ratio and hand preference in Jamaican children. Laterality 5: 121-132.


Manning, J.T., Trivers, R., Singh, D. and Thornhill, R.  1999.  The mystery of female beauty. Nature 399: 214-215.


Trivers, R, Manning, JT, Thornhill, R, Singh, D. and McGuire, M.  1999The Jamaican symmetry project: a long-term study of fluctuating asymmetry in rural Jamaican children.  Human Biology 71: 417-430.


Trivers, R. and Burt, A.  1999.  Kinship and genomic imprinting.  In R. Ohlsson (ed) Genomic Imprinting,  Springer, Heidelberg, pp 1-23.


Burt, A. and Trivers, R. 1998.  Genetic conflicts in genomic imprinting. Proc. Royal Society B. 265: 2393-2397.


Burt, A. and Trivers, R.  1998.  Selfish DNA and breeding system in flowering plants.  Proc. Royal Society B. 265: 141-146.


Trivers, R. 1998. Review of Sober and Wilson, Unto Others, response to the review and response to the response. Skeptic 6: 81-87.


Manning, J.T.,Trivers, RL, Thornhill, R, Singh, D, Denman, J, Eklo, MH and Anderton, R. 1997. Ear asymmetry and left-side cradling.  Evolution and Human Behavior 18: 327-340. 


Trivers, R. l997.  Genetic basis of intra-psychic conflict.  In N. Segal, G.E. Weisfeld, C.C.

Weisfeld (eds.) Uniting Psychology and Biology: Integrative Perspectives on Human Development.  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, pp 385-395.


Haig, D. and Trivers, R.  1995.  The evolution of parental imprinting:  A review of hypotheses. In R. Ohlsson, K. Hall and M. Ritzen (eds.) Genomic Imprinting:  Causes and Consequences, Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, pp 17-28.


Polak, M. and Trivers, R.  1994.  The science of symmetry in biology.  TREE 9:122-  124.


Trivers, R.  1991.  Deceit and self-deception:  The relationship between communication and      

             consciousness.  In:  M. Robinson and L. Tiger (eds.) Man and Beast Revisited,              

             Smithsonian, Washington, DC, pp. 175-191.


Trivers, R.  1988.  Sex differences in rates of recombination and sexual selection.  In R. Michod

             and D. Levin (eds.) The Evolution of Sex:  An Examination of Current Ideas.  Sinauer:                                Sunderland, MA, pp 260-276.


Seger, J. and Trivers, R.  1986.  Asymmetry in the evolution of female mating preferences.        

             Nature 319:771-773.


Trivers, R.  1985.  Social Evolution.  Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA (published also in



Hicks, R. and Trivers, R.  1983.  The social behavior of Anolis valencieniIn A. Rhodin and K.

             Miyata (eds.) Advances in Herpetology and Evolutionary Biology, Museum of               

             Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, pp. 570-595.


Trivers, R. L.  1983.  The evolution of sex.  Quarterly Review of Biology 58:62-67.


Trivers, R. L. and Newton, H. P.  1982.  The crash of Flight 90:  Doomed by self-deception?      

              Science Digest, November, pp. 66, 67 and 111.


Newton, H. P. and Trivers, R. L.  1982.  The evolution of deceit and self-deception.  Science                   Digest, July, pp. 68-69.


Trivers, R. L.  1981.  Sociobiology and politics.  In E. White, ed. Sociobiology and Human

            Politics, Heath Lexington, MA, pp. 1-43.


Trivers, R. L.  1976.  Sexual selection and resource-accruing abilities in Anolis garmani.           

            Evolution 30:253-269.


Trivers, R. L. and Hare, H.  1976.  Haplodiploidy and the evolution of the social insects.  Science            191:249-269.


Trivers, R. L.  1974.  Parent-offspring conflict.  American Zoologist 14:247-262.


Trivers, R. L. and Willard, D.  1973.  Natural selection of parental ability to vary the sex ratio of

           offspring.  Science 179:90-92.


Trivers, R. L.  1972.  Parental investment and sexual selection.  In B. Campbell, ed.  Sexual       

            Selection and the Descent of Man, 1871-1971, Aldine-Atherton, Chicago, pp.  136-179.


Trivers, R. L.  1971.  The evolution of reciprocal altruism.  Quarterly Review of Biology 46:35- 





“Self-deception and morality”, Keynote Address, Moral Sense Colloquium lll, St Frances College, Brooklyn, NY, June 2, 2017.

“Recent advances in human evolutionary genetics”, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana, December 6, 2016.

“Evolutionary insights into feminism, homosexuality and honor killings”, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana, December 5, 2016.

“Recent advances in human evolutionary genetics”, Imperial College Field Station, Ascot, Berks, October 27, 2016.

“Gender, sexuality & honour killings: Insights from the world expert in evolutionary biology”, Conway Hall, London, UK, October 25, 2016.

“Deceit and self-deception”, Ogilvy and Mather, London, UK, October 24, 2016.

“Recent advances in human evolutionary biology”, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, September 30, 2016.

“The evolution of deceit and self-deception”, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, September 29, 2016.

“Recent advances in human evolutionary genetics”,  Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, September 16, 2017. 

“Evolutionary approach to feminism, homosexuality and honor killing”, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, September 15, 2016.

“The logic of self-deception applied to human life”, September 15, 2016, Oklahoma State University, Sillwater, OK, September 15, 2016.

“Genomic imprinting from a developmental perspective”, NEEPS, Ninth Annual Conference on the evolutionary behavioral sciences, Suffolk University, Boston, Mass., April 11, 2015.

 “The evolutionary dynamics of self-deception”, Keynote address for conference on Menschliches Verhalten in Evolutionärer Perspektive, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, March 17, 2015.

TEDx talk to audience in Cost Rica (13 minutes)

“Deceit and self-deception”, Literaturherbst, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization, Göttingen, Germany, October 19, 2013.

“Deceit and self-deception”, Leibnitz Institute, Berlin, Germany, April 22, 2013.

“Betrug und Selbst-Betrug, Hamburg Literary Festival, Hamburg, Germany, April 20, 2013.

“The logic of self-deception”, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 3, 2013. 

"The logic of self-deception in human life", Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Dahlem, Berlin, Germany, January 22, 2013.

“Why self-deception?”, Cuidad de Ideas (Conferencia), Puebla, Mexico, November 16, 2012.

“The evolution of deceit and self-deception”, University of Nevada at Reno, October 17, 2012.

“Why we lie (even to ourselves)”, Center for Science Writings, Stevens Institute for Technology, Hoboken, NJ, September 26, 2012.

“Logic of self-deception”, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, April 20, 2012.

“Täuschen und Sich-selbst Täuschen”, Center for Mediation, University of Munich Law School, Münschen, GE, March 23, 2012.

“The logic of deceit and self-deception”, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University, NYC, NY, February 24, 2012.

“Deceit and self-deception”, Huey P Newton Memorial Lecture, Merritt College, Oakland, California, November 24, 2012.

“The logic of deceit and self-deception”, Skeptic Society, University of Southern California, Pasadena, CA, November 20, 2012.

“Genetic conflict within the individual”, Zoology Department, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, October 12, 2011.

“Natural selection and social theory”, Anthropology Department, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, October 11, 2011.

“Genomic imprinting and pediatric growth disorders”, Zoology Department, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, October 10, 2011.

“Deceit and self-deception” Anthropology Department, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, October 7, 2011.

“Deceit and self-deception: fooling ourselves the better to fool others”, LSE, London, U.K., October 5, 2011.

“Deceit and self-deception: fooling ourselves the better to fool others”, Royal Society of Arts, London, U.K., October 4, 2011.

“Haplodiploidy and the evolution of the social insects”, Zoology Department, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K., June 14, 2911.

“Deceit and self-deception: fooling ourselves the better to fool others”, Tinbergen Lecture, Zoology Department, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, June 13, 2011.

"The importance of genomic imprinting for understanding major pediatric growth disorders and psychology", Pediatrics Faculty, Medical School, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, March 16, 2011.

"Mathematical approaches to problems in evolutionary social theory", Zeilberger Lectures, Mathematics Department, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, January 26, 2011.

“Deceit and self-deception: fooling ourselves the better to fool others”, TEDx lecture, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, November 13, 2010.

“The logic of self-deception”, Institute of Child Development, UMDNJ, New Brunswick, NJ, October 26, 2010.

“The importance of genomic imprinting for understanding major pediatric growth disorders and psychology”, Department of Pediatric Grand Rounds, UMDNJ, New Brunswick, NJ, October 14, 2010.

“The importance of genomic imprinting for understanding human psychology and pediatric disorders”, Psychology Department, Universidad Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil, August 3, 2010.

“The evolution of self-deception”, Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science, Natal, Brazil, July 28, 2010.

“The importance of genomic imprinting in mammalian evolution, with special attention to humans”, Conference: New Directions in Evolutionary and Population Genetics, Genetics Department, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, June 15, 2010.

“Deceit and deception”, Public Lecture, Museum of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, November 14, 2009.

“Genetic conflict within the individual”, Weese Lecture, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, November 13, 2009.

“Deceit and self-deception” University of Lund, Symposium of the Swedish National Committee for Biology, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund. Lund, SW, October 30, 2009.

“Deceit and self-deception”, Symposium of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, “Darwin and Beyond”, Stockholm, SW, October 28, 2009.

“The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements”, Darwin Bicentennial Lectures, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SW, October 27, 2009.

“Genes in conflict”, Conference: “Evolution of Viruses and Hosts”, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, GE, June 10, 2009.

“The evolution of deceit and self-deception”, Einstein Forum, Potsdam, GE, June 4, 2009.

“The evolution of self-deception”, Humboldt University, Berlin, GE, May 5, 2009.

“Genetic conflict within other creatures—and ourselves”, 12th Ernst Mayr Memorial Lecture, Institute of Advanced Studies, Berlin, and Berlin-Brandenburger Academy of Sciences, April 29, 2009.

“Deception and self-deception”, 3rd Max Planck Symposium “Evolutionary Biology”, Berlin, GE, March 10, 2009.

“Deceit and self-deception”, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, GE, February 24, 2009. 

“Remembering Darwin”, Wilhelm Georg University, German Primate Center and German Ethological Congress, Goettingen, GE, February 12, 2009.

“The logic of self-deception”, Edinburgh Conference on the Evolution of Religion, Edinburgh, UK, January 11, 2009.

“The biological benefits of religious belief”, Edinburgh Conference on the Evolution of Religion, Edinburgh, UK, January 10, 2009.

“Deceit and self-deception”, Institute of Advanced Studies, Berlin, GE, December 9, 2008.

“Lying to others and lying to yourself—the new science of self-deception”, Distinguished Lecture, University of the West Indies, Kingston, JA, May 29, 2008.

“The logic of self-deception and recent Israeli behavior”, Amherst College, Amherst, MA, April 24, 2008.

“The logic of self-deception and recent Israeli behavior”, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, February 14, 2008.

“The logic of self-deception”, 6th Freilandtage, Deutsches Primatenzentrum, Gottingen, Germany, December 12, 2007.

“Deceit and self-deception, with special reference to warfare”, University of Regina, Regina, CA, October 3, 2007.

“The logic of self-deception, with special reference to warfare”, Faculty Lecture, Rutgers University, NJ, September 18, 2007.

“B chromosomes: frequency and logic”, International Congress on Chromosomes, Amsterdam, NE, August 28, 2007.      

“Selfish genetic elements and social evolution”, Plenary Address, International Congress of Ethology, Halifax, CA, August 16, 2007.

 “Natural selection and social theory”, Brunel University, London, UK, May 4, 2007.

“Self-deception: an evolutionary adaptation?”, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, May 3, 2007.

“Natural selection and social theory”, Imperial College London, Silwood Park, UK, May 1, 2007.

“Selfish genetic elements”, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DM, April 30, 2007

“Natural selection and social theory”, Crafoord Lecture, Lund, SW, April 26, 2007.



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