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MEET YOUR EDITOR Bruno Chatelin - Check some of his interviews. Board Member of many filmfestivals and regular partner of a few key film events such as Cannes Market, AFM, Venice Production Bridge, Tallinn Industry and Festival...Check our recent partners.  

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Cannes Film Festival 2009: Films to look out for

1. "Precious" starring Mariah Carey and Lenny Kravitz, Director Lee Daniels

"Lorsqu'a seize ans, Precious apprend à lire et à ecrire dans une école alternative, un monde nouveau s'ouvre à elle. Un monde nouveau s'ouvre à elle, Un monde où elle peut enfin parler, raconter ce qui l'étouffe. Un monde où toutes les fille peuvent deviner belles, fortes, indépendantes. Comme Precious...."

"When Precious, who is sixteen, learns to read and write at an Alternative School, she discovers a new world. A world where she can at last express herself in a way she never could before. A world where each girl can become beautiful, strong, independent. Just like Precious."

2. " Up"/"La-Haut" (In theaters)

3. "A Prophet"/ "Un Prophete"

"Condamné à six ans de prison, Malik El Djebena ne sait ni lire, ni écrire. A son arrivee en Centrale, seul au monde, il parait plus jeune, plus fragile que les autres detenus. Il a 19 ans. D'emblée, il tombe sous la coupe d'un groupe de prisonniers corses qui fait régner sa loi dans la prison. Le jeune homme apprend vite. Au fil des missions, il s'endurcit et gagne la confiance des Corses. Mais, très vite, Malik utilise toute son intelligence pour développer discrètement son propre reseau."

" Condemned to six years in prison, Malik El Djebena cannot read nor write. Arriving at the jail entirely alone, he appears younger and more fragile than the other convicts. He is 19 years old. Cornered by the leader of the Corsican gang who rules the prison, he is given a number of "missions' to carry out, toughening him up and gaining the gang leader's confidence in the process. But Malik is brave and a fast learner, daring to secretly develop his own plans..."

4. "Inglorious Basterds" (Previews)

5. "In The Beginning"/"A L'Origine"

"D'apres l'histoire vraie d'un petit escroc qui a construit une autoroute."

"Based on the true story of a smalltime crook who build a highway."

6. "The White Ribbon"/"Das Weisse Band"

"Un village de l'Allemagne du Nord protestante. 1913/1914. A la veille de la Premiere Guerre mondiale. L'histoire des enfants et adolescents d'une chorale dirigee par l'instituteur du village, leurs familles: le baron, le regisseur, le pasteur, le medecin, la sage-femme, les paysans. D'etranges accidents surviennent et prennent peu a peu le caractere d'un rituel punitif. Qui se cache derriere tout cela?"

"A village in Protestant northern Germany. 1913-1914. On the eve of WW1. The story of the children and teenagers of a choir run by the village schoolteacher, and their families: the baron, the steward, the pastor, the doctor, the midwife, the tenant farmers. Strange accidents occur and gradually take on the character of a punishment ritual. Who is behind it all?"

7. " The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus"

"L'imaginarium du Docteur Parnassus est un conte fantastique et contemporain. Avec sa troupe de theatre ambulant, l'imaginarium, le Docteur Parnassus cache un terrible secret. Mille ans plus tot, ne resistant pas a son penchant pour le jeu, il parie avec le diable, Mr. Nick, et gagne l'immortalite. Plus tard, rencontrant enfin l'amour, le Docteru Parnassus traite de nouveau avec le diable et echange son immortalite contre la jeunesse. A une condition: le jour ou sa fille aura seize ans, elle deviendra la propriete de Mr. Nick. Maintenant, il est l'heure de payer le prix. Pour sauver sa fille, il se lance dans un course contre le temps, entrainant avec lui une ribambelle de personnages extraordinaires, avec la ferme intention de reparer ses erreurs du passe une bonne fois pour toutes."

"The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus' is a fantastical morality tale, set in the presnet day Dr. Parnassus with his extraordinary travelling show "The Imaginarium" offers to members of the audience an irreistible opportunity to enter their universe of imaginations and wonders, by passing through a magical mirror. But Dr. Parnassus is cursed with a dark secret. An inveterate gambler, thousands of years ago he made a bet with the devil, Mr. Nick, in which he won immortality. Centuries later, on meeting his one true love, Dr. Parnassus made another deal with the devil, trading his immorality for youth, on condition that when his daughter reached her 16th birthday, she would become the property of Mr. Nick. Now it is time to pay the price. In this captivating, explosive and wonderfully imaginative race against time, Dr. Parnassus must fight to save his daughter and undo the mistakes of his past once and for all."

8. "No One Knows About Persian Cats"/"Kasi az Gorbehaye Irani Khabar Nadareh"

"On ne sait rien des chats persans est une fiction documentaire sur la musique underground d'aujourd'hui en Iran. A leur sortie de prison, une jeune femme et un jeune homme musiciens decident de monter un groupe. Ils parcourent Teheran a la rencontre d'autres musiciens underground et tenent de les convaincre de quitter l"Iran. N'ayant aucune chance de se produire a Teheran, il revent de sortir de la clandestinite et de jour en Europe. Mais que faire sans argent et sans passeport."

"No One Knows About Persian Cats" is a documentary-fiction portrait of the underground music scene in contemporary Iran. Recently released from prison, two young musicians- a man and a woman, decide to form a band. Together they trawl the underworld of contemporary Tehran searching for other players. Forbidden by the authorities to play in Iran, they plan to escape from their clandestine existence, and dream of performing in Europe. But with no money and no passports, it won't be easy."

Others to watch for: "Los abrazos rotos", "Agora', "Vincere", "Antichrist", AND, OF COURSE, "BRUNO" July 10th!!!
Sharon Abella


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