The winners of the 15th Festival on Wheels have been announced. Among the 10 films competing from 10 countries, Corneliu Porumboiu's latest feature Politist, adj. (Police, Adjective) won both the Golden Bull and the SİYAD (Turkish Film Critics' Association) awards. İki Dil Bir Bavul (On the Way to School), co-directed by Orhan Eskiköy and Özgür Doğan, was named second best film.
The awards ceremony of the 15th Festival on Wheels, an event organized by the Ank...
The Festival on Wheels first took to the road in 1995... With a mission to present outstanding examples of cinema to film enthusiasts in different cities around Turkey and to introduce Turkish cinema to the rest of the world.
Before the festival wheels were oiled and turning, ...
Festival on Wheels Prizes
Festival on Wheels shoots for Police, Adjective
The winners of the 15th Festival on Wheels have been
announced. Among the 10 films competing from 10 countries, Corneliu Porumboiu’s latest feature Politist, adj. (Police,
Adjective) won both the Golden Bull and the SÄ°YAD (Turkish Film
Critics’ Association) awards. İki Dil Bir Bavul (On
the Way to School), co-directed by Orhan
Eskiköy and Özgür Doğan, was
named second best film.
4–10 December
2009, Ankara
11–17 December
2009, Artvin
18–20 December
2009, Skopje (Macedonia)
Basak EMRE, Festival Chief               Â
Organized by the Ankara Cinema Association and supported by the Turkish
Eastern Turkey's vast, highly alkaline inland sea called Lake Van (Van Gölü) is surrounded by history and stark beauty.
SACRED SITEThe sacredness of the city of Ani is partly because the Armenian culture was the first to convert to Christianity. Subsequently they invented the form of architecture which we now call Gothic to celebrate their new religion. The protection of the region around Ani is important because of the role the area has played historically. It seems that the city of Ani was probably the most important city in the world 1000 years ago.
On a quiet pedestrian street in KARS, is the run-down delapitaded house where Yeghishe Charents, (1897 - 1937) one of the greatest Armenian poets was born and lived.Both his primary and secondary schooling took place in KARS
 His patriotic pleas to unite Armenians against Stalinism ended him in prison, where he died at the age of 40.
His poetry reflects his love and revolt for ARMENIA, in the throes of a turbulent period under Russian occupation.
Yeghishe Charents...
TÃœRKIYE : A 2-WORLD BALANCE ACT It is hard not to notice a certain dichotomy in Turkish society which has exacerbated with the recent elections held in that country. Although democracy has definitely expanded throughout the land, the cherished secularism of Mustafa Kemal ATATÃœRK, founder of the modern nation, is now being challenged by the ruling AKP party.This Justice and Development Party (AKP), after its July 2007 reelection, has gained a larger share of the popular vote, meaning that now a...
Here are some ambiance parting views of the magnificent scenery near the Festival of Kars headquarters moving on towards Lake Cildir. Courtesy of Mustafa Küpeli (Istanbul).....
Twixt Lake and Land -
ON the way to Lake Cildir, Eastern Turkey
Erkan OGUR at Kars, November 2007
Erkan Ogur and İsmail H.Demircioğl perform at Kars on closing night of the 2007 FESTIVAL on Wheels.Hear  Erkan Oğur sings beautiful - Bir Sevda şarkısı right here :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsCT-X1j3kE
 Magificent Sarıkamış Toprak Hotel located in Northeast Turkey welcomed a busload of 'Festival on Wheels Guests'. This is a new ski resort entirely built by a Turkish architect and boasts the longest ski track in the country with excellent dry, powdery snow.
The pists lead through pine forests and the views, which festival attendees saw from the chairlift were breathtaking.
The tracks rise to altitudes over 8,530 feet above sea level and include Turkey's longes...
After a rather scary trip up the mountain at Sarikamis[img_assist|nid=7610|title=Sarikamis Ski Lift|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=550|height=413]
 'Saklı Yüzler' (Hidden Faces) by female Turkısh Dırector, Handan Ä°pekçi, presented at the Kars Festıval on Wheels ıs a fılm about Turkısh famıly honor killings, a serıous ıssue, dealt wıth ın a dramatıc way. For what has now become a faırly unıversal theme, wherever Turkısh communıtıes are settled, statıstıcs report over 700 such offences are commıtted yearly ın Turkey alone. The plot concerns a young woman, iıvıng ın another country, who ıs hounded and 'punÄ...
             To acquaınt ınternatıonal and Turkısh festıval attendees wıth the ancıent cıvılızatıon ruıns at ANI. near Armenıa, the Festıval on Wheels toured two hours out of KARS to the former capıtal of Armenıa.Ani is the ruins of the capital of medieval Armenia. near the Arpaçay River (a branch of Aras River). Arpaçay river constitutes the border between Armenia and Turkey. It takes its name from ancient Urartian fertility goddess Anahid. The city collapsed d...
  Turkish veteran actor Tarik AKAN is best known for his portrayal in Yilmaz Guney s epic YOL .According to the Turkish CNN critic attending this year's Festival on Wheels - around 25 years ago, when Yol was made, all the women in Turkey fell in love with him and now after all those years, the same women are still in love with him !With a hefty build and broad shoulders, embodying the same masculıne appeal as prevalent in popular Indian actors, he commands a calm and steady presence, adding a...
  Symbolising the predominently agricultural character of the region of KARS bordering Armenia where every family living in a house, raises geese, the GOLDEN Goose is also the major award of the 13th European Films Festival on Wheels. On its second day, participants travelled to the ancient city of ANI through rollıng hılls and valleys to admire the ruins of the city in Turkey's easternmost province. .In a country where the Mınıster of Culture equally holds both porfolios of culture an...
  The 13th European Films Festival, a traveling event also known as the Festival on Wheels, has started off from the capital of Turkey, Ankara, toting film masterpieces to show to locals before moving on to the provinces and the easternmost city of KARS, next to the border of ARMENIA before its last stop in Bosnia-Herzogovina.Total distance travelled will be 5051 kilometres, with 90 films presented from 26 differe