Featuring characters from all around the world and all different aged groups, Ester Brym's new film "My Pandemic Year'
promises intimate look into people's lives during the Covid-19 Pandemic lockdown.
The various testiomonies bring us closer to what connected all of us during the long months of social distancing worldwide.
Divided into four seasons, each character dives deeper into their struggles, fears but also things they gained and learnt to love
thanks to the eff...
"Touch" has won the BEST DOCUMENTARY AWARD at the Diogenes 2020: Stay Home & Make Movie Festival out of Tbilisi, Georgia on July 3, 2020. Written and presented by 91-yr-old retired metallurgist and poet Donald G. Westlake, the film was directed/edited by his daughter Dawn Westlake, as they were both self-isolating during the COVID19 pandemic, 2001 miles apart. Westlake used family films going back to the early 1900s to illustrate her father's story about the importance of...
"Touch", the film made in self-isolation between a 91-yr-old father and his daughter while in self-isolation 2001 miles apart, has been featured in WE ARE MOVING STORIES in an interview between publisher Carmela Baranowska and Dawn Westlake, the director/producer/editor of "Touch".
by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent
If you're ready to take Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime break, McGill University in Montreal is conducting a live event via the web on April 23, whereby their brilliant minds will school you on the emerging picture of this current Coronavirus pandemic in context of global health scares that have shaped our society. You can join the discussion via video, read on.
MONTREAL, QC (04/22/20): How have past generations managed global pandemics? What r...
"Touch" is a film made in self-isolation by a 91-year-old father and his daughter, 2001 miles apart.
Written by Donald G. Westlake in late March 2020, "Touch" was *filmed* using the Zoom meeting app between Donald in a Chicago suburb and his daughter, director/writer/producer/actress Dawn Westlake, in Los Angeles, CA USA.
To see "Touch" with English subtitles: https://filmfreeway.com/projects/1919700
"Touch" has already been accepted to the RATMA Self-I...
by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent
There’s a time for infighting among the Redbull and BlueMoon States, or states of mind, but right now we’re all trying to be in the pink, health-wise.
#COVID19 and the Coronavirus health-quake is on now.
EllenTube, from Ellen Degeneres, shows us in her interview with musical artist PINK that we all can do something to help the fight against Coronavirus.
Even if we’re seemingly healthy right now.
Thanks to Clap for Carers &...