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Martin Scorsese Masterclass in Cannes




Central and Eastern Europe

Last Call: LET'S CEE Short Film Competition 2015

Film talents, listen up! Until July 12, 2015, filmmakers up to the age of 35 years from Central and Eastern Europe as well as Austria have the possibility to submit their own films to the Short Film Competition of this year’s LET’S CEE Film Festival. The contributed works need to have a maximum length of 30 minutes. The topic of the SHORT FILM COMPETITION 2015 is: All You Need Is Love! We believe this sentence to be not less relevant nowadays than it was, when the Beatles enjoye...

goEast - 14th Festival Of Central And Eastern European Film

JUNG, WILD, AUSDRUCKSSTARK – Die 14. Ausgabe von goEast – Festival des mittel- und osteuropäischen Films steht ganz im Zeichen des Sturm und Drang. Vom 09. bis 15. April präsentiert das vom Deutschen Filminstitut veranstaltete Festival in Wiesbaden die Vielfalt des Kinos Mittel- und Osteuropas: Vom aufregenden, engagierten und nicht selten sozialkritischen Autorenkino über filmische Höhepunkte und Publikumslieblinge aus Mittel- und Osteuropa bis hin zu den Meilensteinen der sogenannten „polnischen Neuen Welle“ der 1960er Jahre. Die hohe Qualität des Programms und die besondere Festivalatmosphäre begeistern internationale Gäste, VertreterInnen der Filmbranche sowie das heimische Kinopublikum gleichermaßen.


YOUNG, WILD, EXPRESSIVE – the 14th edition of goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film is devoted to the era of Sturm und Drang. During the week from 9 to 15 April the German Film Institute presents the full variety of cinema from Central and Eastern Europe in Wiesbaden: From exciting, engaged and often socially critically author-director cinema to mainstream films and box-office hits from Central and Eastern Europe right up to the milestones of the so-called “Polish New Wave” of the 1960s. The high quality of the festival programme as well as the unique festival atmosphere enthuses international guests, representatives of the film industry and local audiences alike.