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Home >> Alex Quiroga's
Alex Quiroga's
Director: Alex Quiroga.
BERNARD a movie by Alex Quiroga Hernán and Marie Christine are two brothers who live in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán. Hernán is an architect, Christine is a health therapist. One day they receive a call informing them that their father who lives in France is terminally ill with Alzheimer's disease. They have to decide whether to go see him or not because he left his mother long ago and they have not heard from him for years. They must make a decision and soon. Lives are very personal issues, one can say that isolated, if you think of an initial instance, within what we understand as the development of individual consciousness but, when expressing them in a global vision, by communicating those individualities, by making those silent reflective acts, where consciousness seems to be shared, or parts of a fragmented reality, it is in these fractions of visions that we have of reality, and that by uniting them they show us a much bigger picture, than at first we could have obtained, it is a space of more formative understanding in terms of the levels of spiritual and logical issues. It is in the union of all the individual visions, that when sharing them, they group and conglomerate that space where a greater explanation can still be found, a group unit of this act that has the search for the meaning of life, while we are and , in which we are given this ability to understand the meaning of a humanity that awakens the experience that we understand as life. And as a whole humanity, we stop to perceive in a different way what experience is, as individuals and beings that reproduce continuously and, experience has no time, has no space; It is our bodies that confine themselves to these reductions, where consciousness, outside of any physical question, is sought after visualization, perhaps reaching to understand 'the moment' in which the understanding of 'I UNDERSTAND' is produced that moment, that precise moment in which the conscience appears to us as a clearer situation, and which, for some reason, we say to ourselves' it is true 'It is there, that spirituality marks the limits, there is an inside and there is an outside, and they interpose to generate that our act of conscience, which remains a mystery. Alex Quiroga
Director: Alex Quiroga.
BERNARD a movie by Alex Quiroga Hernán and Marie Christine are two brothers who live in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán. Hernán is an architect, Christine is a health therapist. One day they receive a call informing them that their father who lives in France is terminally ill with Alzheimer's disease. They have to decide whether to go see him or not because he left his mother long ago and they have not heard from him for years. They must make a decision and soon. Lives are very personal issues, one can say that isolated, if you think of an initial instance, within what we understand as the development of individual consciousness but, when expressing them in a global vision, by communicating those individualities, by making those silent reflective acts, where consciousness seems to be shared, or parts of a fragmented reality, it is in these fractions of visions that we have of reality, and that by uniting them they show us a much bigger picture, than at first we could have obtained, it is a space of more formative understanding in terms of the levels of spiritual and logical issues. It is in the union of all the individual visions, that when sharing them, they group and conglomerate that space where a greater explanation can still be found, a group unit of this act that has the search for the meaning of life, while we are and , in which we are given this ability to understand the meaning of a humanity that awakens the experience that we understand as life. And as a whole humanity, we stop to perceive in a different way what experience is, as individuals and beings that reproduce continuously and, experience has no time, has no space; It is our bodies that confine themselves to these reductions, where consciousness, outside of any physical question, is sought after visualization, perhaps reaching to understand 'the moment' in which the understanding of 'I UNDERSTAND' is produced that moment, that precise moment in which the conscience appears to us as a clearer situation, and which, for some reason, we say to ourselves' it is true 'It is there, that spirituality marks the limits, there is an inside and there is an outside, and they interpose to generate that our act of conscience, which remains a mystery. Alex Quiroga
La “Asociación Europea de Economía y Competitividad” ha tenido el honor de conceder la “Medalla Europea de Oro al Mérito en el Trabajo” al distinguido Sr. Don Alex Quiroga, en reconocimiento a su trayectoria profesional y su aportación a la Industria Cinematográfica y Audiovisual en España. El acto tuvo lugar en una Cena de Gala presentada por Dña. Ana García Lozano en el Hotel Palace de Madrid...
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