The 47th Ann Arbor Film Festival energized our regional community with some of the year's most high-caliber, cutting-edge independent films. We saw record-setting attendance with nearly 12,000 people across the six day event - a 15% increase from 2008.
During film festival week, creativity flowed literally onto the streets with sidewalk stencils, video installations around town, and the unveiling of a new art car courtesy of filmmaker Harrod Blank and Zack Jacobson-Weaver's crew ...
The 47th Ann Arbor Film Festival explores “the new world of independent cinema," beginning with the Opening Night Gala and screening Tuesday, March 24th! This year's Opening Night Gala takes place from 6:00 – 8:00pm in the Grand Foyer of the historic Michigan Theater. The celebration kicks off with live music from Los Gatos, open bar and catering from local favorites including Seva, Totoro Japanese Restaurant, eat catering & chef services, Morgan & York, Avalon Bread, Schakolad chocolates a...
The 47th Ann Arbor Film Festival explores “the new world of independent cinema," taking place March 24 - 29th. With 33 film screenings, daily free events, educational opportunities and multiple world premieres, adventure-seeking audiences will have ample opportunities to experience the full realm of independent cinema.This year's Opening Night Gala, Tuesday March 24th, takes place from 6 – 8pm in the Grand Foyer of the historic Michigan Theater. The festivities kick off with live music, open...
Full Program Line-up Announcement for 46th Ann Arbor Film FestivalThis year "It's Time to Watch" the Ann Arbor Film Festival, taking place March 25 - 30th. With more than 36 film screenings, daily free events, live film-based performances and multiple world premieres, audiences will have ample opportunities to watch and be amazed this year.This year's extended Opening Night Gala, Tuesday March 25th takes place from 6 – 8pm in the glorious Grand Foyer of the Michigan Theater. Attendees will enj...
The oldest film festival in North America showcasing independent and experimental films, The Ann Arbor Film Festival (AAFF) announced today that it has settled a federal lawsuit, filed by the ACLU on its behalf, against the State of Michigan. In exchange for the state legislature repealing unconstitutional restrictions on arts funding, the AAFF and ACLU agreed to voluntarily dismiss the lawsuit. Since its founding in 1963, the festival has screened works by filmmakers like George Lucas, Yoko Ono...