The European Independent Film Festival (ÉCU), in partnership with G-technology by Hitachi, is delighted to announce the Official Selection. ÉCU 2010 will showcase 67 films from 26 countries on the 12th, 13th and 14th March in Paris, France.
EuropeanDramatic Short (24)
Blocked (Norway)
Boiler (UK)
Ca Roule (France)
Champagne Supernova (Spain)
City Game (France)
Committed (Iceland)
Curtains (UK)
Das Packet (Germany)
Deux Minutes(France)
En Darlig Dag (Denmark)
Entwined (Scotland)
High/Low (France)
Konvex-T (Sweden)
Legend of John the Inverted (Belgium)
Lost Paradise (France)
Marginal Note (Germany)
Milk Man (UK)
Not yet (UK)
Prayer (France)
Spunkbubble (UK)
Take A Way (Switzerland)
Tarantyno (Romania)
Tutto Da Sola (Italy)
EuropeanDramatic Feature (5)
Ayla (Germany)
Dreaming Mali (Germany)
Four Roses (Belgium)
Las 2 Vidas de Andrés Rabadán/The 2 lives of Andrés Rabadán (Spain)
Les Nuits de Sister Welsh (France)
EuropeanDocumentary Short (4)
Catedral (France)
Emos (Germany)
Przygoda Szczepan
Reaching Rosie (UK)
EuropeanDocumentary Feature (7)
Addicted in Afghanistan (UK)
Das Kind (France)
Skynd Dig Hjem/Hurry Home (Denmark)
Last Supper For Malthus (Switzerland)
Malagasy Gospel (Spain)
Securitate Hunter(Romania)
Tenacity on the Tasman(UK)
Animation (3)
Café (Spain)
Let There Be Sound(Germany)
Trolley Boy (Ireland)
Student (11)
Amoklove (Germany)
Clouds Fly West (Bulgaria)
Deadside (UK)
Housewoman (UK)
Ink (Portugal)
Ludwig-265 (Russia)
Mio Sovversino Amore (Italy)
Recto Recto Gancho (Mexico)
The Father (Slovakia)
The Highest Low (UK)
Zerowards (France)
Non-European Dramatic Short (5)
Patient (Canada)
Smoorvelief (South Africa)
The Magician (USA)
The Miraculous Tale of the Children Dubois (USA)
Things You Should Knowabout a Woman (USA)
Non-European Dramatic Feature (1)
The Last Confession of Alexander Pierce (Australia)
Non-European Documentary (1)
Dhobi Ghaat (Pakistan)
Ecology Now!
The Last Giants (Germany)
Made on Mobile
Scared Boy (Portugal)
A Clock's Dream (Cyprus)
Beta Test (Greece)
Ora Che Marlene (Italy)
Planar (Spain
15.02.2010 | ÉCU-The European Independent Film Festival's blog
Cat. : Alexander Pierce Andrés Rabadán animation Australia ecu Écu film festival France Hitachi independent film Magician official selection Ora Che Marlene paris Paris South Africa the european independent film festival the European Independent Film Festival Independent