"terroir" has been selected to the 2020 Invicines Film Festival out of Cordoba, Argentina for September 2-5, 2020. Due to the pandemic, the festival will be held online for four consecutive days.
"terroir" is a musical documentary about the mother-child relationship and how it can sometimes influence our perceptions of very capable female leaders in all sectors of society. Helmed/written and produced by Dawn Westlake under her Ron de Cana Prods, Inc. shingle, the film was shot by Pol Carrizo Vilarroig of Imatge Barcelona in Wheaton & Peru, IL USA, Font Romeu, France and Vilafranca del Penedes, Catalunya, Spain. Pol also edited and did the considerable visual effects for the film. GC Johnson of Acoustic Labs composed the original score and coached Westlake's voice.
4-yr-old Lilly Johnson makes her professional acting debut in "terroir".
"terroir" has won 6 awards, 2 in Italy, 2 in India, and others in Colombia and the USA.
For more info, please visit: http://dawnwestlake.com/rondecana/films/terroir/index.html