Awards & distinctions
2010 - Winner CulturesFrance Hors les Murs Residency Nouvelles Images, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2007 - Best of Independent Exposure, San Francisco, CA, USA: Le saut dans le vide (The Leap Into the Void)
2002 - Certificate of Merit, Chicago International Film Festival, Experimental Shorts Competition, Chicago, Illinois, USA: We Cannot
Exhibit It
- Best Musical and Audience Choice Awards, Thaw, Festival of Film Video and Digital Media, Institute for Cinema and Culture,
Iowa City, Iowa, USA: Strong Enough
- Highlight Selection, Cinematexas, Austin, Texas, USA: Cul en l'air (My Levitating Butt)
2000 - Audience Award, Best New Media, Festival du Cinema Francophone en Acadie, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada: Broom
1999 - Special Mention, Videoarcheology, Paris, France / Sofia, Bulgaria: Head Egg
- Silver Spire Award, San Francisco International Film Festival, Golden Gate Award Competition, New Visions Video, San
Francisco, USA: Workman
1998 - Third Prize Experimental, NAP Video Festival, New Arts Program, Lehigh Valley & Berks, Pennsylvania, USA: Front Room
1997 - Prix DRAC Auvergne (French Ministry of Culture), Vidéoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, France: C'est le veau qui bêle (The
Bleating Calf)
1996 - Highlight Selection, Videonale 7, Bonn, Germany: C'est le veau qui bêle (The Bleating Calf)