Starring: Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, Jude Law, Laurence Fishburne, Gwyneth Paltrow,Elliot Gould,Jennifer Ehle
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Could the virus in Steven Soderbergh's new, star-studded film, Contagion be a metaphor for Original Sin? Ok, there's no slithering serpent as in the Garden of Eden but a bat (Eve?) eats of a rotten fruit, shares it with its mate, then a piece of the fruit falls in a pig pen...poor pig who consumes it is despatched to market,to market in the company of others. It's lack of hygiene though, that passes on the virus (from chef who wipes his hands on his apron) to poor Beth Emhoff (Gwyneth Paltrow)
As we saw in his Palme D'or winning debut feature ( Sex,Lies and Videotape) mass communications is a subject close to Soderbergh's heart; and New media and media ethics play an important role in "Contagion"
Like Wolfgang Petersen's Outbreak based on Robin Cook's novel about a lethal airborne virus, Soderbergh's medical thriller is about a global epidemic which spread by everyday interactions( handshake,credit card, glass) beginning with Mrs Emhoff who picks up the virus in Hong Kong. Or was it Macao? The docu-style feature was shot at a number of locations around the world, including the US and Geneva and I wondered if the splendid Venetian on Macao's Cotai Strip ( move over Las Vegas:-) was one of them.
Soderbergh helms a fabulous ensemble cast, including Academy Award winners Marion Cotillard (“La Vie en Rose,” “Inception”) Matt Damon (“Good Will Hunting,” the “Bourne” films); Gwyneth Paltrow (“Shakespeare in Love,” “Iron Man”); Kate Winslet (“The Reader,” “Titanic”) and Oscar® nominees Laurence Fishburne (“What’s Love Got to Do With It,” “The Matrix”) and Jude Law (“Cold Mountain,” “Sherlock Holmes”)
Intelligently scripted by Scott (“The Bourne Ultimatum,” “The Informant!”) Z. Burns,the film follows the rapid progress of the deadly virus. As the epidemic grows, the medical community worldwide races to find a cure and governments strive to control the panic-stricken populace which behaves, well much the way, young people behaved very recently in Britain: going on the rampage.
We see conscientous researchers like Kate Winslet's Erin Mears succumbing to to the disease, we see that some ordinary people (Damon's Mitch Emhoff) have a natural immunity ( righteous person?) and and otherwise good docs like Laurence Fishburne's Ellis Cheever sharing classified info with loved ones - One uses the word "otherwise" in Dr Cheever's case, because he falls prey to nepotism. The term could also be applied to the selfish(?) HongKongers who want to save their village in mainland China and kidnap UN doc Leonora (Marion Cotillard) Orantes who remains true to the Hippocratic oath when she discovers that the kidnappers have been short-changed by a colleague. Equally admirable is the woman virologist (Ehle) who uses herself as a guinea pig even as her doctor father is felled by the disease. CNN's medical correspondent Dr Sanjay Gupta plays himself and Jude Law plays Alan Krumwiede, a blogger who exposes the nexus between corporates and government but is not averse to being self-righteous and pigheaded that homeopathy is a sure fire cure-all.
In his trademark style, Soderbergh adopts an understated and lowkey approach, dispensing with mayhem and melodrama. There is no extended footage of Fear of Death and Life’s Final Moments except, as I said before, some chilling footage of the aftermath of riots) And though the source of the epidemic is Asia ( Cook's Ebola virus originates in Africa) it also shows how the wages of sin are death ( the adulterous Beth Emhoff passes it on to her lover) without being judgemental. All in all then, the film remains neutral,objective and balanced. The gloomy tone is alleviated with moments of poignancy (Ehle & dying father) and (a teenage) romance.Contagion concludes with stats from the Sars,HINI and Aids epidemics suggesting that this celluloid tale could well be real. We have been warned!
12.09.2011 | Ronita Torcato's blog
Cat. : Academy Award Africa Asia Beth Emhoff Candidate Position Chef Cinema of the United States CNN Contagion correspondent Director Elliot Gould Ellis Cheever Entertainment Entertainment Erin Mears Films Films set in Minnesota Geneva Gwyneth Paltrow Gwyneth Paltrow Human Interest Human Interest Jennifer Ehle Jennifer Ehle Jude Law Kate Winslet Kate Winslet Las Vegas Laurence Fishburne Laurence Fishburne Marion Cotillard Marion Cotillard Matt Damon Matt Damon Mitch Emhoff movie review CONTAGION director Steven Soderbergh Nationality Oscar Palme d'Or Person Career Robin Cook Sanjay Gupta Social Issues Social Issues Steven Soderbergh Steven Soderbergh United Kingdom United Nations