Recently, I spoke with Philadelphia born actor Mickey Pizzo about his acting career.
ME: So, Mickey, what are you working on at the moment since Sopranos?
MICKEY: Since 'The Sopranos', I'm premiering in a new play about Fashion Icon Isabella Blow called 'Blow by Blow' playing the role of her husband, Detmar Blow. I'm also about to do a film in September and I'm looking for financing for a film I wrote called "King of the Goths" which I'm slated to play the character of 'Michael'.
ME: So, what was it like working as cast of the Sopranos? (my favorite TV show ever! :-)
MICKEY: It was a blast!!! Really nice and great group of people I've ever worked with. Working with them, the cast and crew were like a family. Jim Gandolfini, Edie Falco, and Michael Imperioli are really very sweet nice wonderful
people. Very gracious. We were fed a lot of great food too! LOL!!! I really miss the show and loved really being a part of it.
ME: What are your future plans in TV? Or do you plan to transgress into film?
MICKEY: As I've mentioned, I wrote a film called "King of the Goths". I want more than anything to be in films. I love the medium and enjoy working and playing characters in them. I'm planning of writing and acting in a mob
movie and have created a sitcom for tv called "Nicholas and his Sister" which is somewhat autobiographical, about a brother and sister who after years of being adults and living their own lives end up sharing an
apartment in Los Angeles, getting on each other's nerves. So, I love reading scripts and would love and plan(if the movie gods permit) to do more films.
ME: Yes, exactly! We are all at the mercy of the 'Movie Gods', as you say. Do you have anything else you'd like to share with readers?
MICKEY: My recent film 'DREAD' and my acting reel are both on youtube. Remember, to achieve your dreams, I'll always say this you, "Never let anyone with two legs tell you what you can't do."
ME: Grazie mille, Mickey. I wish you the best!
MICKEY: Thank you Vanessa. Divertiti Oggi...:~P
Interview by Vanessa McMahon
photo: Mickey Pizzo
30.07.2010 | Vanessa McMahon's blog
Cat. : actor Blow by Blow Death Detmar Blow DREAD Edie Falco Entertainment Entertainment food Human Interest Human Interest Isabella Blow Jim Gandolfini King King of the Goths Los Angeles Michael Michael Imperioli Mickey Pizzo Mickey Pizzo Mouse! :-) Movie Release Person Attributes Person Career Person Location Philadelphia Suicide The Sopranos US Federal Reserve Vanessa McMahon Interviews