How Tasty Was My Little Italian!
This dark drama with an ironic almost Caravaggio-esque twist at the end calls to mind certain images-
Titus when the failed Roman would-be emperor served the queen's sons to her on a plate- literally!;
Hannibal, when Dr. Lecter eats the brain of his rival Ray Liotta; and, last but not least, an old
Brazilian movie, How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman.
Why do such gory cannibalistic images come to mind in such a subtle romantic drama? Well, you'll have
to watch this new fantastic film by Marco de Luca and stay to the end to find out! It's a mystery!
On -A Dream Like That-
During a one-on-one interview with the cast of -Penso Un Sogno Cosi
(I Think a Dream Like That)- actors Paolo Stella and Marina Rocco
discuss their experience working with director Marco de Luca on this
film. First of all, as the film was made for a mere 9,000euros, they
explained that the payment for working on this film was passion and
passion only. They worked for the good of the film and their belief in
it, most days not even having enough for food. "One day", Marina laughed
while explaining, "we had one meat ball between the five of us! That's
how starving we were!" Paolo and Marina explained that apart from the
normal films and TV projects they work on, this one was refreshing
because they had no producers breathing down their neck on how to make
the film. In this, they were truly free to express themselves
creatively; hence, for them this was a true independent film. Watch this
film and you will detect another thing that makes it a true indie work;
there is a strange secret waiting at the end. Is it a dream? Is it
Watch the whole interview with director Marco de Luca and actors Paolo Stella and Marina Rocco.
Interview by: Vanessa McMahon and Rollo Ross
Penso Un Sogno Cosi.
Photo by Vanessa McMahon
14.07.2010 | Vanessa McMahon's blog
Cat. : aruba CDATA Contact Details Director Emperor Entertainment Entertainment food Hannibal How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman How Tasty Was My Little Italian Lecter Marco de Luca Marina Rocco Paolo Stella Person Career Queen Ray Liotta Rollo Ross Vanessa McMahon XML Red carpet