CALENDRIER DES EVENEMENTS MIPDOC 2005 & MIPTV featuring MILIA 2005MIPDOC 2005 9–10 avrilCONFERENCE MIPDOCLE SHOWCASE DES PROGRAMMATEURSModérateur : Gary Lico, President / CEO, Cable Ready Corporation (USA)Intervenants :. Andy Halper, Senior Producer, Thirteen/WNET (USA). Fabrice Puchault, Programme Adviser, Documentary Unit, France3 (France). Ian Russell, Dept. Controller for News, CA & Documentaries, Five (GB). Janet H. Vissering, Senior Vice President, Strategic Development/CoFinance, Natio...
Jana Bennett, Director of Television BBC, will open proceedings at MIPTV and MILIA 2004 (Cannes, March 29 – April 2), with a keynote speech on “The Future of Television Programming in a Cross-Platform World” (March 30).Jana Bennett replaces former BBC Director General Greg Dyke as the opening keynote speaker. Greg Dyke resigned from the BBC on January 29.Jana Bennett’s speech will underline the growing importance of convergence to television executives – a subject which is set to be at...