The 33rd edition of the Durban International Film Festival, with principal funding from the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, this evening (Saturday, July 28) announced its award-winners, prior to the closing film. Winner of the Best Feature Film award, Love (Amour) was applauded by the International Jury as “unmissable”, and the film’s director Michael Haneke, as a “contemporary master with an astute understanding of his cinematic world”. The Best Feature Film award carrie...
Award-winners announced at Durban International Film Festival
The 33rd edition of the Durban International Film Festival, with principal funding from the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, this evening (Saturday, July 28) announced its award-winners, prior to the closing film. Winner of the Best Feature Film award, Love (Amour) was applauded by the International Jury as “unmissable”, and the film’s director Michael Haneke, as a “contemporary master with an astute under...
photo still from '1/2 REVOLUTION' (2011)
-14th TDF PRESS-
The Just Talking session of the 14th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival of Monday, March 12 was coordinated by renowned producer and journalist Peter Wintonick; participating were the directors Stelios Kouloglou (Oligarchy), Daan Veldhuizen (Stories from Lakka Beach), Maria Paz Gonzalez ...
The audience is spoilt for choice with 793 entries from 37 countries to the 12th Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) which closes February 9 at the NCPA.
MIFF began its journey in 1990 as Bombay International Film Festival BIFF), and has since grown in size and stature as one of the premier international events of documentary film movement. The past editions have been overwhelming successes, and now MIFF is considered as one of the most spectacularly organised inte...
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The 11th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival - Images of the 21st Century wrapped a 9 days event on March 22nd and awarded the following documentary filmmakers.
AUDIENCE AWARDS: Sponsored by the Hellenic Red Cross
The Hellenic Red Cross Audience Award for a film over 45' in the International Selection, accompanied by Euros 4,000, goes to: BURMA VJ - REPORTING FROM A CLOSED COUNTRY (BURMA VJ - REPORTER I ET LUKKET LAND) by Anders Hosbro Ostergaard, Denmark, 2008
The Helle...
The Hellenic Red Cross Audience Award for a film over 45’ in the International Selection, accompanied by Euros 4,000, goes to: BURMA VJ - REPORTING FROM A CLOSED COUNTRY (BURMA VJ - REPORTER I ET LUKKET LAND) by Anders Hosbro Ostergaard, Denmark, 2008The Hellenic Red Cross Audience Award for a film under 45’ in the International Selection, accompanied by Euros 2,000 goes to:FLOWERS OF RWANDA (FLORES DE RUANDA) by David Munoz, Spain, 2008The Hellenic Red Cross Audience Award for a Greek film ...
Peter Wintonick interviewenvoyé par cecilerittweger...
Images of the 21st Century
March 13 – 22, 2009
The 11th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival - Images of the 21st Century, part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, presents approximately 170 films by directors from all over the world, as well as a full parallel events program, to be announced next Monday, March 9th.
The ...
On Thursday, March 13, at the Excelsior room of the Electra Palace Hotel, the following directors shared their experience of making their films during Just Talking: the directors Sylvain Biegeleisen (The last card), Tiffany Burns (Mr Big), Simon Brook (Generation '68), Dimitris Vernikos (The Mirror and the Knife) and Parvez Sharma (A Jihad for love). Peter Wintonick, producer, director, journalist and co-producer of the film Be like others coordinated the discussion. Opening the discussion, Pete...
The International Doc Market, introduced in 1999, will be held this year for the first time in the Byzantium hall of the 1st floor of the Electra Palace Hotel at Aristotelous Sq next to the Festival headquarters, providing a much larger space to its participants, outfittedwith 30 fully equipped booths for private viewing of the Market films. The market, organized in cooperation with the Greek National Television (ERT S.A.) and with the support of the Media Program of the European Union, caters t...
10th THESSALONIKI DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL Images of the 21st CenturyMarch 7 – 16, 2008 THE INTERNATIONAL DOC MARKETELECTRA PALACE HOTEL, Byzantium Hall, 1st Floor, Aristotelous Sq. March 10-15, 10.00 – 20.00 The International Doc Market, introduced in 1999, will be held this year for the first time in the Byzantium hall of the 1st floor of the Electra Palace Hotel at Aristotelous Sq next to the Festival headquarters, providing a much larger space to its participants, outfitted with 30 fully eq...
3rd COPENHAGEN INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FESTIVALNOVEMBER 4-13 2005In only 3 years the festival has become on of the biggest doc events in Europe.The festival has enjoyed a lot of positive response and attention from our large local audience as well as from international producers and distributors, the national and international press and the many international guests visiting cph:dox 2005. cph:dox strongly believe in the many opportunities this new platform has created for a future and possibly...
The second Adelaide Film Festival, a pet initiative of South Australian Premier Mike Rann and helmed by Festival Director Katrina Sedgwick, was launched on Friday evening with the world premiere of Sarah Watt’s debut feature Look Both Ways.At a time when the Australian film industry is undergoing a period of intense self-analysis and recession in the face of damning box office statistics and strident critical vitriol, Look Both Ways engaged the gala audience with a moving combination of emotio...
The 8th annual Kansas City Filmmakers Jubilee kicks off a week of celebrating independent film on April 16. Over 150 short films will be screened, eleven features and visiting filmmakers from around the world will be in attendance.If you come to KC for the festival we can get you a special hotel rate at the Quarterage Hotel (360 Westport Road). It is only a couple of blocks from our primary venues. Call their 800# and mention the Jubilee to get a $79+tax/night rate. 1-800-931-4322 / www.quarte...
C O P E N H A G E N I N T E R N A T I O N A L D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M F E S T I V A L 0 7 - 1 6 . N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 3 Reality Rockscph:dox, The first Copenhagen International Documentary Festival, surpassed all expectations.Danes are learning to love documentary films. At least judged by the admission numbers for Copenhagen's first international documentary festival, cph:dox, which ended Sunday, November 16.With 11.706 admissions to the 81 films, the festival al...