Making Trouble, the acclaimed documentary about legendary funny Jewish women that has received standing ovations and rave reviews across the country, is coming to the Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival on Tuesday, May 13th at 7:30pm. Joan Rivers will be honored with the Marlene Adler Marks MorningStar Award before the screening of film."A standing ovation for performers who have earned one," says the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Making Trouble profiles six Jewish women who struggled and sacrifice...
The Northwest Film Center and the Institute for Judaic Studies present the 16th annual Portland Jewish Film Festival. The selection of films express specific Jewish experiences, resonate beyond their cultural inspiration and speak to ideas, experiences and issues that confront our common humanity. APRIL 3 THUR 7 PMFUGITIVE PIECESCANADA 2007DIRECTOR: JEREMY PODESWA Based on the international best-seller by Anne Michaels, FUGITIVE PIECES is a poetic and emotionally charged film about love, loss a...
Chaim Pevner, Film CriticFILM NOTES TO THE BARBICAN YIDDISH FILM RETROSPECTIVE(London, October 12-24, 1996) THE YIDDISH language cinema is nearly unique among world cinema cultures in that it had no specific homeland. Yiddish films, including “silent Yiddish” films, were produced wherever there were major Yiddish speech communities and a Yiddish theatrical circuit from which talent could be recruited. The majority of Yiddish language films were therefore made in New York or in P...
9th Annual Sarasota Film FestivalApril 13 – 22, 2007Among the many great filmmakers and special guests expected in for the Festival are Edward Norton, Brian Koppelman, Norman Jewison, Joe Pantoliano, Marcia Gay Harden, Chad Lowe, Michelle Trachtenberg, Jonathan Sehring, Tom Bernard, Mark Urman, Jon Gerrans, Marshall Persinger, Elias Koteas, Kim Raver, Dagmara Dominczyk, Patrick Wilson, David Call, Anna Chlumsky, Zoe Cassavetes, Michael Badalucco, Juha Wuolijoki, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, David Singt...
Viewed on video, at J.M's Seattle, Wed. nite, March 7, 2007. This one of the great classics of the pre-war Yiddish cinema and one of the great all time films on the subject of immigration to America. It was the culmination of Joseph Green's amazing four film cycle of Yiddish films made between 1937 (Yidl Mitn Fidl) and 1939, on the brink of WW II. This saga of a Jewish family opens in 1912 in Lubin, a little shtetl in the Ukraine and terminates in America -- New York -- in the twent...
"A little letter to mama" A BRIVELE DER MAMENViewed on video, at J.M's Seattle, Wed. nite, March 7, 2007.This one of the great classics of the pre-war Yiddish cinema and one of the great all time films on the subject of immigration to America. It was the culmination of Joseph Green's amazing four film cycle of Yiddish films made between 1937 (Yidl Mitn Fidl) and 1939, on the brink of WW II.This saga of a Jewish family opens in 1912 in Lubin, a little shtetl in the Ukraine and terminates in Ameri...