The International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg, which will celebrate its 60th anniversary next year, is internationally well regarded and sustains its position as being one of the top 100 film festivals worldwide and as being the festival which exclusively presents films by newcomers.From out of thousands of newcomer films the festival selects only roundabout 30 and is thus driven by a very conscious programming process.„We practically fall in love with each single film. The authors and pr...
Cinema with a view – IFF Mannheim-Heidelberg at the Heidelberg Castle for the first timeMannheim-Heidelberg, 14 October 2010--- The upcoming 59th International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg will take place at the Heidelberg Castle in November 2010 for the first time.„We have found a real festival location here - up above the city of Heidelberg, with a splendid view over the valley“, says Festival director Dr. Michael Koetz. „Two large festival theatres and heated, cosy large tents ar...
The International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg will launch its 59th edition in November 2010 with a new offer for industry guests. The MANNHEIM MEETING PLACE will support the improvement of sales and marketing of finished film works by newcomer directors while it continues to invite selected producers interested in co-producing new, unfinished film projects as was previously the case at the MANNHEIM MEETINGS. „A vibrant venue nourished by mutual confidence for newcomers and all those who w...
Unique focus on the art of film- The International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg closes with splendid results
Despite the flu and the financial crisis the 58th International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg ended with surprisingly good results on 15 November 2009. The Festival has a worldwide reputation for selecting the fine spearhead of the best cinema artist from the entire world production and to present them in front of an international audience for the first time. Given the plet...
A former discovery of the festival is finally back in Mannheim: Atom Egoyan will be honoured „Master of Cinema“ at the „58th International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg 2009“ Mannheim-Heidelberg, IFMH, 6 October 2009 --- His career took off in Mannheim: In 1984, 24-years-old director Atom Egoyan won one of the most prestigious awards for young cinema, a Golden Ducat at the Mannheim Film Festival for his film „Next of Kin“. On 6 November 2009, the Canadian filmmaker with Armenian ...
There is no doubt that the current International Filmfestival MANNHEIM-HEIDELBERG has capably regained its position as the second most significant cinema event in Germany, after the Berlinale. From 16th to 25th November, 2006 these lovely cities in Badem-Wurtemberg (a short drive from the vast Frankfurt airport) are home to an impeccably organised celebration of art-house cinema,which has reached its 55th edition with renewed vigour and a welcome sense of style. A legendary birthing event for nu...
Nine films for eternity – Hommage to Rainer Werner Fassbinder atthe 54th International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg taking place from 17 to 26 November 2005The 54th International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg dedicates thisyear’s hommage to one of the rare superstars of German cinema,Rainer Werner Fassbinder. He died in 1982. But still there is nodiscussion about German film that doesn’t start with him and also endswith a reference to his work. He showed his first films in Mannheim ...