KINOFILM FESTIVAL 2010HIGHLIGHTS ANNOUNCED LINE-UP PREVIEW FEATURESPREMIERES AND EXCLUSIVE EVENTS WITH SHORTS, FEATURES ANDWORKSHOPS The KinofilmManchester European Short Film Festival 2010 is pleased to announcea selection of highlights from a line-up that offers an ambitious, accessibleand wide ranging week of new film and filmmaking events in Manchester, 27 April– 2 May. As ever, short films are themain focus of the festival, which showcases a kaleidoscope of new talent. Oversix da...
Le Festival du Film Britannique de Dinard are delighted to announce the titles that have been selected to compete for the Golden Hitchcock award at the 19th edition of the Festival which runs from 2nd – 5th October 2008:• A COMPLETE HISTORY OF MY SEXUAL FAILURES by Chris Waitt also starring Alexandra Boyarskaya, Danielle McLeod, Olivia Trench• BOY A by John Crowley starring Andrew Garfield and Peter Mullan • CLUBBED by Neil Thompson starring Mel Raido, Shaun Parkes, Sco...
Le Festival du Film Britannique de Dinard are delighted to announce the titles that have been selected to compete for the Golden Hitchcock award at the 19th edition of the Festival which runs from 2nd – 5th October 2008:• A COMPLETE HISTORY OF MY SEXUAL FAILURES by Chris Waitt also starring Alexandra Boyarskaya, Danielle McLeod, Olivia Trench• BOY A by John Crowley starring Andrew Garfield and Peter Mullan• CLUBBED by Neil Thompson starring Mel Raido, Shaun Parkes, Scot Williams, Maxine ...
Le Festival du Film Britannique de Dinard are delighted to announce the titles that have been selected to compete for the Golden Hitchcock award at the 19th edition of the Festival which runs from 2nd – 5th October 2008:• A COMPLETE HISTORY OF MY SEXUAL FAILURES by Chris Waitt also starring Alexandra Boyarskaya, Danielle McLeod, Olivia Trench• BOY A by John Crowley starring Andrew Garfield and Peter Mullan • CLUBBED by Neil Thompson starring Mel Raido, Shaun Parkes, Sco...
The 2005 CINEMAGIC Film Festival kicks off in style with Special Screenings, Talent Labs, Masterclasses and a Gala Awards Ceremony with amazing prizes.CINEMAGIC is hosting its 17-Day Festival from 17th November-3rd December 2005 at Village Cinemas and W5, Visitor Attraction of the Year, at the Odyssey, Belfast. The Festival Programme includes an impressive array of international exclusive screenings, big movie premieres, special guests, director’s discussions, competitions, masterclasses and ...