Michel Hazanavicius
The Artist (2011)
Tom Hooper
The King's Speech (2010)
Kathryn Bigelow
The Hurt Locker (2009)
Danny Boyle
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
No Country For Old Men (2007)
Martin Scorsese
The Departed (2006)
Ang Lee
San Francisco, April 17-----
While it is common these days for every city, resort and college town to have its own international film festival, it is San Francisco, the glittering city in North California, that can make the singular claim of having hosted North America’s first on-going film festival event. Launched in December 1957, the San Francisco International Film Festival was the first event to offer a mix of international cinema, the first stirring of th...
While it is common these days for every city, resort and college town to have its own international film festival, it is San Francisco, the glittering city in North California, that can make the singular claim of having hosted North America’s first on-going film festival event. Launched in December 1957, the San Francisco International Film Festival was the first event to offer a mix of international cinema, the first stirring of the American Independent movement and a smattering of serious-mi...
Each Academy Award ceremony is listed chronologically below along with the winner of the Academy Award for Directing and the film associated with the award. In the column next to the winner of each award are the other nominees for best director. Following the Academy's practice, the films below are listed by the years of their Los Angeles qualifying run, which is usually (but not always) in the year of release; for example, the Oscar for Best Director of 1999 was announced during the award cerem...
Le Festival du Cinéma Chinois de Parisen partenariat avecLa Mairie de Paris et la Fondation Groupama-Gan pour le Cinéma,avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, le CNC, l'Ambassade de Chine en France et le SARFT,Présentent3ème Festival du Cinéma Chinois de Parisdu 19 septembre au 30 septembre 2007au cinéma Le Max Linder et à La Cinémathèque FrançaisePerspectiveau cinéma Le Max Li
In the decade from 1927-1937 Janet Gaynor (1906-1984) emerged as one of Hollywood's great stars, immensely popular with the public for her portrayals as the sincere but spunky waif in a series of popular musicals, melodramas, and romantic comedies conceived especially for her at 20th Century Fox. Gaynor started out as an extra in silent pictures- Hal Roach comedy shorts as well as features-before earning her break with a small but crucial part in THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD (1926). A long-term contract ...
New York Jewish Film Festival January 12 – 27, 2005In cooperation with the Film Society of Lincoln Center, the New York Jewish Film Festival presented its 14th annual edition at the Read Theatre, screening also at the Jewish Museum and a local venue. The fest was organized by the Jewish Museum with support from several foundations, New York City’s Department of Cultural Affaires, the Israeli Office of Cultural Affairs in the US and other sources. The festival is part of the thriving ethnic f...