In the 31 countries where initial – not yet final - figures are available on cinema-going in 2011, from Russia to Portugal and from Ireland to Turkey, admissions prove to be slightly down after two record years: audiences stand at 1,188.6 million, compared to 1,195.9 million in 2010, with a 0.6% dip.
The 1...
From the eighth edition of the course “DigiTraining Plus: European Cinemas Experiencing New Technologies”
Helsinki and Tallinn, 29 June – 3 July 2011
Facts and figures: this is the menu on the morning of 30 June for the participants at DigiTraining Plus, now in progress in Helsinki.
“In 2004, when MEDIA Salles began offering these training courses, there were 30 digital screens in the whole of Europe. At the beginning of 2011 they had increased to 10,346.
The new projec...
The European Audiovisual Observatory hosted a workshop Sunday afternoon, focusing on the theme of financing the digitization of cinema in Europe. The workshop took place form 3p.m. to 4:30p.m. in Salle Bunuel in the Palais des Festivals. The Observatory's director, Wolfgang Closs, elaborated on the reason behind the workshop's theme, titled "Digital Cinema Tango! Getting the right rhythm for the digitization of European cinemas." Closs explained: "There is a clear problem of synch...
WELCOME TO OUR NEWSLETTER N° 465: may 13, 2010
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The Future
of Cinema Salon returns to Cannes and Xomo present the Future of Festivals...its
Mingle Talk and Wine tasting at the Spa des
Stars May ...
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The Future
of Cinema Salon returns to Cannes and Xomo present the Future of Festivals...its
Mingle Talk and Wine tasting at the Spa des
Stars (next t...
In six months there has been a 25% increase in the number of digital screens in Europe’s cinemas: this is the most important finding in the figures at 30 June 2008, elaborated by MEDIA Salles, the organization operating in the field of cinema with the support of the European Union’s MEDIA Programme and the Italian Government. The results announced today, 27 February, in London, during the sixth edition of the DigiTraining Plus course, show a total of 1,120 screens fitted with projectors usi...
Cinema-going holds its own in Western European cinemas in 2008: the number of spectators grows by 0,2% compared to 2007, to reach 867 million. These are the figures announced by MEDIA Salles on 7 February 2009, in the traditional appointment at the Berlinale.An analysis of the individual markets, presented by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles, again reveals varying trends in 2008. Of the five leading countries France (+6,2%), which reaches 188,8 million, confirming itself as...
Future of cinema, few know, few share, we dare do both!
Let us embark for a trip a few decades ahead of us.
Our first stop this year was Cannes where the series has been held for the past 3 years.
The next stops on the festival circuit was Locarno with a panel held in partnership with the Festival, next stops will be Rome, Stockholm and many more.
Video from the Locarno panel:
Locarno conference future of cinema
envoyé par filmfestivals-com
... and Film Festival Locarno in partnership with CFC Media Lab, Telefilm Canada are proud to present Future of Cinema Salon Series at the Film Festival Locarno which took place August 9 with The Premiere Panel on digital distribution in association with XDC and featuring Elisabetta Brunella (Mediasalles Secretary Gene... and Film Festival Locarno in partnership with CFC Media Lab, Telefilm Canada are proud to present Future of Cinema Salon Series at the Film Festival Locarno (August 9 from 11.00 to 12.30 at the Forum) Do not miss The Premiere Panel on digital distribution in association with XDC and featuring Elisabetta Brunella (Me...
Future of cinema, few know, few share, we dare do both! Let us embark for a trip a few decades ahead of us.Our first stop this year was Cannes where the series has been held for the past 3 years.
Locarno conference future of cinemaenvoyé par filmfestivals-com
The next stops on the festival circuit are Locarno, Rome, Stockholm and moreCheck out the video of our panels and events in, CFC Media Lab and Telefilm Canada and Locarno Film Festival a...
The Locarno Film Festival and, the organizers of the first panel in Locarno from Future of Cinema Salon were very proud of the quality of the exchange triggered by the panel.
Herewith a summary of the themes brought by the panelists: a full length video will be featured here shortly.
Panel "Future of cinema distribution", Forum
Bruno chatelin
Jean Labadie, Le Pacte Founder, at the panel "Future of cinema distribution", Forum © FOTOFESTIVAL / DAULTE Jean Labadie, Le Pacte Founder, at the panel "Future of cinema distribution", Forum © FOTOFESTIVAL / DAULTE Brian Jones, Pathé Svizzera, at the panel "Future of cinema distribution", Forum © FOTOFESTIVAL / DAULTE Fabrice Testa, XDC International, panel "Future of cinema distribution" at the Forum ...
Jean Labadie, Le Pacte Founder, at the panel "Future of cinema distribution", Forum © FOTOFESTIVAL / DAULTE Jean Labadie, Le Pacte Founder, at the panel "Future of cinema distribution", Forum © FOTOFESTIVAL / DAULTE Brian Jones, Pathé Svizzera, at the panel "Future of cinema distribution", Forum © FOTOFESTIVAL / DAULTE Fabrice Testa, XDC International, panel "Future of cinema distribution" at the Forum ...
Locarno Film Festival,, CFC Media Lab and Telefilm Canada are proud to premiere our Future of Cinema Salon Series at the Locarno Film Festival. We will be hosting the Future of Cinema Panel on Digital Distribution that brings together international voices around the table, plus a special hands-on demo of some of the most innovative works coming out of Canada and Switzerland, including Late Fragment a critically-acclaimed dramatic interactive feature film which premiered last year at ...
Locarno Film Festival,, CFC Media Lab and Telefilm Canada are proud to premiere the Future of Cinema Salon Series at the Locarno Film Festival. The Panel on Digital Distribution will bring together international voices around the table including: Elisabetta Brunella (Mediasalles Secretary General), Amos Gitai (director, Locarno Lepoard of Honour 2008), Brian Jones (Managing Director Pathé Switzerland), Bruno Chatelin ( & co-founder; former distributor UGC-...
Amos Gitai will speak at the panel on Digital Distribution at Future of Cinema Salon Locarno 2008Future of Cinema Panel on Digital Distributionin association with XDC The Hollywood Reporter and Saturday August 9th, 2008: Forum, 11:00AM - 12:30AM What is the current International panorama of D Cinema, how many screens.Which business models prevail in Europe, what is the status in Switzerlan?Which content from film to opera and sports in the theatres?Which new consumers’ habits...
Future of cinema, few know, few share, we dare do both! Let us embark for a trip a few decades ahead of us.Our first stop this year was Cannes where the series has been held for the past 3 years. The next stops on the festival circuit is Locarno with a panel held in partnership with the Festival, next stops will be Rome, Stockholm and many moreCheck out the video of Cannes events, CFC Media Lab and Telefilm Canada and Locarno Film Festival are proud to premiere our Future of Cinema Sa...
Open Doors Factory Besides taking care of the film industry professionals attending the Festival, the Industry Office has for a number of years organized various events in partnership with the Open Doors program, such as Open Doors Factory. This co-production workshop will also invite a special guest: the Cinéfondation from Cannes. Through the presence of the top European producers, the ...
FUTURE OF CINEMA SALON SERIES IN LOCARNO FESTIVAL DE LOCARNO 2008 Future of cinema, few know, few share, we dare do both! Let us embark for a trip a few decades ahead of us. Our first stop this year was Cannes where the series has been held for the past 3 years. The next stops on the festival circuit are Locarno, Rome, Stockholm and more Check out the video of Cannes events Locarno Film Festival,, CFC Media Lab and Telefilm Canada, XDC Cinema are pr...
Updated information on cinema-going in Europe in 2006 in the MEDIA Salles Newsletter “European Cinema Journal” no. 2/2007 (attached), presented during the Cannes Film Festival on 21 May. At the MEDIA Salles “happy hour”, the traditional gathering for cinema professionals and journalists. The President of the Association, Jens Rykær, commented: “We are happy that 2006 has seen an increase in audiences in European cinemas and that in several countries Europe’s films have obtained sign...
Updated figures on cinema-going in 2006 reveal a positive trend: audiences grow by 3.5% in the European UnionUpdated information on cinema-going in Europe in 2006 in the MEDIA Salles Newsletter “European Cinema Journal” no. 2/2007 (attached), presented during the Cannes Film Festival on 21 May. At the MEDIA Salles “happy hour”, the traditional gathering for cinema professionals and journalists. The President of the Association, Jens Rykær, commented: “We are happy that 2006 has seen a...
Results were improving at the end of the year, although not sufficiently to recover all the spectators who had been lost during the opening months of 2005 and eliminate the minus sign for a year that remains generally negative throughout Europe.This is what emerges from the up-date on cinema-going published in the MEDIA Salles’ Newsletter, “European Cinema Journal” no. 2/2006, presented today in Cannes by the President Domenico Dinoia, at the aperitif that has become the traditional occasi...
Editorial by Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA SallesAt the Berlin Film Festival, MEDIA Salles kept its appointment with the cinema community that pays the closest attention to economic and technological developments in the sector, presenting the 2005 final edition of the “European Cinema Yearbook”.As well as the first previews of the overall results of cinema-going in Europe in 2005, the prominent data in the Yearbook includes the situation of screens equipped with DLP CinemaT...
Presentation in Venice of the MEDIA Salles’ new initiative “Italian Cinema Worldwide”Greater cohesion between the various components of the film’s life cycle, in order to reach shared objectives: this is what was demanded by many at Venice in Cinecittà Holding’s “Spazio Cinema Incontri”, during the round table presenting the special issue of MEDIA Salles’ Newsletter “European Cinema Journal” (hereattached), devoted to the initiative Italian Cinema Worldwide, for the promotio...