2008 Prizewinners25th Avignon Film FestivalJune 25-29, 2008The 25th Avignon Film Festival concluded on Sunday, June 29th 2008. At the Closing Ceremony attended by the festival's Honorary President, Maria de Medeiros, and most of the filmmakers in competition, the 2008 international jury announced this year's prizewinners :* PRIX TOURNAGE for the Best American Feature Film :"Sita Sings The Blues" by Nina Paley (USA)* PRIX TOURNAGE for the Best European Feature Film :"Affaire de Famille" (Family V...
Le 25ème Avignon Film Festival ferme ses portes ce dimanche 29 juin 2008. A l’issue de la cérémonie de clôture en présence de notre présidente d’honneur Maria de Medeiros et des nombreux cinéastes en compétition, le Jury 2008 a révélé les noms des gagnants de cette 25ème édition.Prix Tournage pour le Meilleur Film Américain : Ø Sita Sings The Blues de Nina Paley (USA) Prix Tournage pour le Meilleur Film Européen : Ø Affaire de Famille de Claus Drexel (Fra...
Wednesday, June 25-------Jerry Rudes is a man on a mission. For the past quarter century, he has lived with one foot in New York and the other in the lovely Provence city of Avignon, France. Reflecting his own dual domiciles, he founded the Avignon Film Festival in 1984 as a “transatlantic crossroads of independent cinema”. When asked to comment on his original inspiration for founding the event, Rudes told of a memorable encounter with filmmaker Agnès Varda. “When I first went to Cannes ...
Specials Screenings / Séances Spéciales BALLETS RUSSES (USA, 2005, 120 min) de Dan Gellar & Dayna Goldfine DISAPPEARENCES (Disparitions, USA, 2006, 118 min) de Jay Craven LA MAIN DE L'HOMME SANS TETE (The Hand Of Headless Man, Belgique, France, Hollande 2007, 100 min) de Guillaume et Stéphane Malandrin POULTRYGEIST (La Terreur des Volailles, USA, 2006, 103 min) de Lloyd Kaufman TIED TO A CHAIR (Ligoté à une Chaise, USA, 2008, 115 min) de Michael Bergmann ...
THE 12TH ANNUAL HAMPTONS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVALOCTOBER 20-24, 2004 The 2004 HAMPTONS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, the 12th annual celebration of presenting films and filmmakers, programs and personalities and an outstanding opportunity for audiences to catch something out of the ordinary, will return to the East End on October 20th through 24th, 2004, in East Hampton, New York with additional venues in Sag Harbor, Southampton and our new location in Montauk.The Hamptons International Film F...