The 35th Starz Denver Film Festival (SDFF), sponsored by Starz Entertainment and produced by the Denver Film Society, announced today its full Festival line-up. SDFF will run November 1 through November 11 in Denver. The complete list of films can be viewed at
"Election day is not the only big event happening this November. The Starz Denver Film Festival will celebrate its 35th edition with signature events and a diverse line-up of films from around the glo...
Fest 21 (Suzanne Lynch) sat down with Daniel Schechter, the director and co-writer of SUPPORTING CHARACTERS, a low-budget indie that's set to become a darling of the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival. The film, which pleases due to its skillful, often unexpected writing and the deft comic timing of its cast, tells the story of two best friends, both film editors, who must repair a film that's not playing well in test screenings. In the process of working on the post-production of the film, b...
Fest 21 (Suzanne Lynch) sat down with Daniel Schechter, the director and co-writer of SUPPORTING CHARACTERS, a low-budget indie that's set to become a darling of the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival. The film, which pleases due to its skillful, often unexpected writing and the deft comic timing of its cast, tells the story of two best friends, both film editors, who must repair a film that's not playing well in test screenings. In the process of working on the post-production of the fi...
The 2012 Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), presented by American Express®, today announced the World Narrative and Documentary Competition film selections, along with selections for the out-of-competition Viewpoints section—the program established last year that highlights personal stories in international and independent cinema. Forty-six of the 90 feature-length films were announced. The 11th edition of the Festival will take place from April 18 to April 29 at locations around New York City.
Wednesday, June 25-------Jerry Rudes is a man on a mission. For the past quarter century, he has lived with one foot in New York and the other in the lovely Provence city of Avignon, France. Reflecting his own dual domiciles, he founded the Avignon Film Festival in 1984 as a “transatlantic crossroads of independent cinema”. When asked to comment on his original inspiration for founding the event, Rudes told of a memorable encounter with filmmaker Agnès Varda. “When I first went to Cannes ...
Specials Screenings / Séances Spéciales BALLETS RUSSES (USA, 2005, 120 min) de Dan Gellar & Dayna Goldfine DISAPPEARENCES (Disparitions, USA, 2006, 118 min) de Jay Craven LA MAIN DE L'HOMME SANS TETE (The Hand Of Headless Man, Belgique, France, Hollande 2007, 100 min) de Guillaume et Stéphane Malandrin POULTRYGEIST (La Terreur des Volailles, USA, 2006, 103 min) de Lloyd Kaufman TIED TO A CHAIR (Ligoté à une Chaise, USA, 2008, 115 min) de Michael Bergmann ...
Saturday, November 4----As the winds howl (South Florida is experiencing a high wind alert this weekend), Saturday's schedule at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival is certainly a full one, with back to back films at the Cinema Paradiso and Parker Playhouse that appeal to all tastes and sensibilities. It is expected to be an exhausting day for Festival staff and visiting filmmakers, but a satisfying one.
The full day of events begins quite lyrically with a free screening at 9:45am...