In addition to the exhibitions at the Kunstsaele Berlin (Critique and Clinic) at Gutschow-Haus and the various events to be held at HAU, Forum Expanded will also be presenting ten film programmes at the Arsenal and Delphi cinemas. The programme is open for a wide range of different lengths and formats, with the works presented trying out individual forms of expression in experimental fashion in order to create new, critical perspectives on the world. Perhaps the most radical of these attempts ...
Belinale Poster
The poster for the Berlinale 2011 was conceived by the Boros Agency. Just like in the last years, a single motif represents the entire Berlinale. For the sake of unified communication there will be no separate section posters.
The team
At the 8th Summer Berlinale from July 16 to 19, the Open Air Cinema in Friedrichshain is presenting - in collaboration with radioeins - five highlights from the 60th Berlin International Film Festival's programme. These films have yet to be released in German movie theatres.
Besides Bal (Honey), winner of this year's Golden Bear, three audience favourites will be shown from the Panorama, Forum and Perspektive Deutsches Kino sections. Festival Director Dieter Kosslick will open th...
Dutch director Heddy Honigmann and the "Forum" section of the Berlin International Film Festival will be honoured this year in IndieLisboa's "Independent Hero" program. The 7th Lisbon International Independent Film Festival will be held between 22 April - 2 May.
Heddy Honigmann Retrospective
Heddy Honigmann is one of the "Independent Heroes" of IndieLisboa's next edition. The Lisbon Independent Film Festival will pay tribute to this renown documentary filmma...
In the context of a weak economy, the scarcity of income generating outlets for independent productions, and the constantly rising number of prospective film makers, the 31st edition of the annual IFP, Independent Feature project was held from September 19 – 24 in New York City.
After the demise of AIVF (Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers) IFP remains the most important organization catering to independent film makers and had about 10 000 members, including the Los A...
In the context of a weak economy, the scarcity of income generating outlets for independent productions, and the constantly rising number of prospective film makers, the 31st edition of the annual IFP, Independent Feature project was held from September 19 – 24 in New York City. After the demise of AIVF (Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers) IFP remains the most important organization catering to independent film makers and had about 10 000 members, including the Los Angeles chap...
Dieter Kosslick's comment that “Reality has actually surpassed fiction this year” fits rather well the 2009 edition of the Berlinale. Kosslick has directed the Berlinale since 2001 and helped to elevate it to rank with Cannes and Venice as one of three most important global film festivals. His take on the Berlinale as being political has often been criticized yet not detracted from the importance of the festival. The opening film THE INTERNATIONAL by Tom Twyker about the criminal activities...
Check the berlinale gallery on
Wieland Speck
Wieland Speck, Director Panorama
Tom Tykwer Clive Owen
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton Christoph Schlingensief
Thomas Hailer
The Yes Men
The International Forum aims to inform about new
formal and thematic developments of film in all
countries of the world. It is the privileged place
within the Berlin Film Festival where innovative
and experimental films are shown.
IndieLisboa is proud to announce that the Director of the Venice Film Festival, Marco Müller, will join the Feature Film International Jury of Lisbon's International Independent Film Festival. Marco Müller directed several European film festivals (Turin, Roterdam, Locarno) and has been awarded a number of prizes for his contribution to the discovery and the diffusion of filmmakers and cinema. Along with Marco Müller, Christoph Terhechte, the Director of Berlinale's Forum, will also join the F...
New York … 2008 New Director/New Films Series PostScript: Tendencies and Issues with Marian Masone, member of the Selection Committee...CM Are there any significant changes you observe in style, themes, or approaches in the 2008 edition of New Director /New Films compared to past years?MM Two films in this year's ND/NF point the way to a new way of connecting withthe rest of the world: Lee Isaac Chung, a Korean-American raised inArkansas, made the striking MUNYURUNGABO, about the aftermath o...
Christoph Terhechte has been a member of the International Forum of New Cinema’s selection committee since 1997 and directing the Forum since 2001.The Forum is widely considered as the most innovative artistic and political section of the Berlinale featuring experimental, avant-garde films and documentaries characterized by unconventional approaches and presenting new film makers. Terhechte added in 2006 ‘forum expanded’, a new component of the Forum exploring the emerging fusion of cinema...
For cineastes and critics, the Berlin International Film Festival, or Berlinale, is a frequent target of criticism, since it is argued that the official competition has become subverted by commercialism, that politics drives the final selection in the official competition, or that Dieter Kosslick’s craving for media attention prevails. Thus the chorus of nay sayers grew more intense this year. After all, having the Rolling Stones, Madonna, and Sharukh Khan on the red carpet and bestowing the ...
Established in 1970 as an independent section of the Berlinale the Forumis considered by many observers as the most innovative, experimental and reflexive part of the Berlinale. Focusing on films presenting alternative, politically engaged and independent perspectives, including many from developing countries the Forum is the least commercial of all festival sections. Christoph Terhechte who had worked since 1997 with Ulrich Gregor, one of the co-founders of the Forum, assumed direction of the ...
Guest lectures by international stars - now open to the publicBerlinale Talent Campus enters its exciting 4th roundCharlotte Rampling, Wim Wenders, Park Chan-wook, Christopher Doyle, Anthony Dod Mantle, Stephen Warbeck and well-known editors like Jim Clark and Angie Lam are amongst the renowned guest speakers at this year's Berlinale Talent Campus. For the first time the majority of Berlinale Talent Campus events in the House of World Cultures will be open to the general public. Together with ab...
Berlinale .. BEYOND THE TALENT CAMPUSKosslick prefers the term broadening (breiter machen) to enlarging (vergroessern) when discussing the rapid expansion of the Berlinale and the addition of new festival components. The European Film Market (EFM) grew by thirty percent and included this year more than 200 companies and more than 810 market screenings with close to forty percent of the EFM films also shown in other sections of the Berlinale. Thus EFM’s claim to presenting upscale quality comme...