The 2011 Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), presented by American Express®, today announced its lineup for the 2011 Special Events and Tribeca Talks® panel series. The component programs are “Tribeca Talks: After the Movie,” “Tribeca Talks: Industry,” “Tribeca Talks: Pen to Paper, hosted by Barnes & Noble,” the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival panel, and new this year, in celebration of the tenth Festival, the “Tribeca Talks: Directors Series,” featuring one-on-one conversations wit...
The Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), announced its feature film selections in the Spotlight and Cinemania sections, as well as Special Screenings and the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival lineup. The 10th edition of the Festival will take place from April 20 to May 1 in lower Manhattan.
"Now that the majority of the program has been announced I believe you will see the rich variety and quality of the films and talent that we are presenting at Tribeca this year," s...
SKYY SHORT FILM PROJECT WINNERS New York City Is Destination For 72 Hour ShootThe finalists of SKYY Vodka’s first-ever SKYY SHORT FILM PROJECT: One Script, Three Different Filmmakers, Three Very Different Films, was announced today at an Eyes on SKYY event at the SKYY View Lounge in Park City, Utah. An innovative program supporting aspiring filmmakers in the short film format, the SKYY VODKA SHORT FILM PROJECT was launched in Park City in 2003 with call to entries ending June 30, 2003. Hundr...
The finalists of SKYY Vodka’s first-ever SKYY SHORT FILM PROJECT: One Script, Three Different Filmmakers, Three Very Different Films, was announced today at an Eyes on SKYY event at the SKYY View Lounge in Park City, Utah.An innovative program supporting aspiring filmmakers in the short film format, the SKYY VODKA SHORT FILM PROJECT was launched in Park City in 2003 with call to entries ending June 30, 2003. Hundreds of filmmakers submitted a filmed “PITCH” about why they want to be a dir...