16 Documentaries and 5 Dramas; a Focus on the Power of the Mediawww.hrw.org/en/iff The 15th edition of the Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be presented in London from 23 March to 1 April, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The international feature programme includes 16 documentaries and 5 dramas, from Belgium, Colombia, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Guantanamo, Guatemala, Hebron, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, Lebanon, Los Angeles, Peru, South Africa, Turkey, Yemen and Yugoslavia. Many of t...
Live from Berlin: Feo Aladag's WHEN WE LEAVE (DIE FREMDE) from Germany has been awarded the Europa Cinemas Label as Best European Film in the Panorama section of the 60th. Berlinale, it was announced today by a jury of four exhibitors - the seventh year the Label has been awarded in the section.
WHEN WE LEAVE (DIE FREMDE) will now receive the support of the Europa Cinemas exhibitors who commit themselves to extend the length of its run on screen and additional promotion across...
"ALL SCREENS FEST" CINEMA TOUT ECRAN IN GENEVA BROADENS THE VIEW The 12th edition of the Cinéma Tout-Ecran Film and Television Festival took place in Geneva from October 3O to November 5, 2OO6. I must admit that never having been much of a TV fan and having to my credit (or discredit) an almost encyclopedic ignorance of TV sitcoms and famous long-running series (I never saw a single installment of "Dallas"), it was with a certain trepidation that I signed up for Tout-Ecran, wondering whether s...