The results are in for the 2009 International Vampire Film Festival are as follows:
"All of the films selected were exceptional in one way or another, but The Revenant stood out because it worked as pure vampire fiction and as a contemporary commentary on socially relevant issues. Plus, it was funny." Tim Cogshell, Programmer Vampire Film Festival
Outstanding Vampire Feature: The Revenant (USA) Directed by Kerry Prior
With the explosion of film festivals over the past two decades, no specialized genre has been more potent, and had more loyal audiences, than the Jewish film festival, which has become a cultural staple in communities across North America, Europe and South America. In all, there may be almost 300 of these events in a given year.....each a mix of film appreciation and something more fundamental, an opportunity for the Jewish community (and those involved with them) to sample an international mix ...
Friday, January 11-------With the explosion of film festivals over the past two decades, no specialized genre has been more potent, and had more loyal audiences, than the Jewish film festival, which has become a cultural staple in communities across North America, Europe and South America. In all, there may be almost 300 of these events in a given year.....each a mix of film appreciation and something more fundamental, an opportunity for the Jewish community (and those involved with them) to s...
CELEBRATING 25 YEARS OF GIORNATE (1982-2006)Pordenone/Sacile 6-14 October 2006The programme of the 25th Giornate del Cinema Muto (Pordenone Silent Film Festival) is one of the most varied in the festival’s history. The central presentation is a tribute to the centenary of Nordisk Film, with works from the golden age of Danish cinema, including classics like Carl Dreyer’s Leaves from Satan’s Book and August Blom’s Atlantis, alongside exciting rediscoveries like Holger-Madsen’s A Trip to...