Celebrating their 17th anniversary, the prestigious Time For Peace Film & Music Awards, founded by Marion and Robert Einbeck, will be this year devoted exclusively to music and films from Europe.It is with this in mind that the European cinematographic and musical works were selected based on criteria of high artistic quality but also on those of humanist values, such as tolerance, respect for difference, solidarity, care provided to others, better understanding between peoples, freedom of expre...
FIFF: itw de Bernard Bellefroid, La régate.envoyé par cecilerittweger. - Regardez plus de films, séries et bandes annonces....
La 24ème édition s'est clôturée en beauté lors de la traditionnelle Cérémonie des Bayards d'or. Retrouvez ci-dessous la liste des heureux lauréats.Jury Officiel Longs Métrages Bayard d'or du meilleur film:J'ai tué ma mère de Xavier Dolan Prix spécial du jury:Ceux de la colline de Berni Goldblat Mention spéciale:Felicia, avant tout de Melissa de Raaf et Razvan Radulescu Bayard d'or du meilleur scénario:Abdelkrim Bahloul pour Le Voyage à Alger Bayard d'o...
The 2006 Atelier has selected 18 projects by filmmakers from 17 different countries (2 from the United States) spanning the 5 continents.The scripts (for the most part original subjects) deal with themes testifying to a shared awareness of the state of the planet. This generation, born into a world of globalisation, shares the same fears and hopes, over and beyond their cultural differences.Their universal and singular worldview is expressed through the eyes of two Latino teens in the United Sta...
The Atelier du Festival, organised by the Cinéfondation, has selected for its second edition, 18 filmmakers:Teboho Mahlatsi (South Africa), Santiago Palavecino (Argentina), Christina Andreef (Australia), Bernard Bellefroid (Belgium), José Luis Torres Leiva (Chile), Wang Bing (China), Goran Rušinovic (Croatia), Luiso Berdejo (Spain), Cruz Angeles (United States), Richard Press (United States), Fabrice Genestal (France), Michelange Quay (Haiti), Dev Benegal (India), Dover Kosahvili (Israel), C...