28th Starz Denver International Film Festival.November 10 - 20.SDIFF presents approximately 175 films over 10 days and plays host to more than 100 film artists. New international feature releases, independently produced fiction films and documentaries, animation, experimental works, children's programs and short subjects are included in the festival. In addition, a number of acclaimed international film artists are honored with tributes and special "Evenings with..." Following awards will be giv...
Following today's Bonus-Track at the Urania cinema, the Viennale 2004 has come to a happy and exceptionally successful conclusion. With a growth of almost 6400 visitors compared to 2003, the festival could increase the number of visitors by nearly ten percent. In total, 81,600 spectators attended the festival this year. Within the main program, the elaborate selection of documentaries enjoyed exceptional popularity. As a result, for the first time in the festival's history more tickets for docum...
ANNOUNCING THE 2004 PHILADELPHIA FILM FESTIVAL From April 8-21, the Festival Presents 250 Features, Documentaries, Animated Films and Shorts from 43 CountriesAwards go to Mary-Louise Parker and Tobe Hooper2004 Highlights include Animation Festival, sponsored by University of the Arts; International Comedy Series; “Save the Boyd” Benefit; Hong Kong Horror in 3-D; New Films from Master Directors Breillat, Demme, Greenaway, Herzog, Téchiné, von TrierNow in its 13th year and fourth with Raymon...
54th Berlin International Film Festival goes digital Worldwide digitalization has also brought changes to the cinema. Not only are more and more films digitally processed but they are also digitally produced and projected. With the advancement of digital cinema, the Berlin International Film Festival has increasingly turned to using digital projection for its movies. Ten festival cinemas are now equipped with digital projectors. Whereas the Zoo-Palast went digital some time ago, the Berlin Inter...