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Film reviews:
Manjit, Here's what the Judges review of your film was. Great Job, overall.!! Congrats! **************************************************************************************************************************** May 11, 2009- "Mangal Sutra" - Accepted: Los Angeles Festival, July 30th-Aug.6th 2009 Rep: Cyndy Johnson, Director of Aquisitions Rating: 3 out of 4 Stars *** (Highest rating we give in Festival) Running Time: 78mins, Horror Notes: Shot on DV, Overall good image quality, a professional job, Well-lit, Special effects are great and creates creepy atmosphere well and they don't look cheap either. Content: Plays similar to The Grudge with an evil curse haunting a house that a young Indian couple moves into in Canada. Writing and Performances for the most part work well enough, the horror scenes are spread throughout effectively.(Features nudity & sex scenes so not to be put with any kids films at all, should screen at night.) The only drawback is it could be about 5-6 minutes longer, as the audience will want more as we did. "A South Asian couple moves into a new home haunted by an old indian curse." - NYIIFVF, Recommends to see this film! Should play very well on the big screen and the turnout should be very good, since everyone loves a horror film in which we don't get alot of. Very well made.!- *************************************************************************************************************************** Note: As of May 12th, after the review they added New York Festival, Nov. 2009 - now accepted also. ****************************************************************************************************************************