Ten days have gone by like a flash and I'm sitting here in the press room on Saturday afternoon, Valentine's Day, mulling over the dull flicks I slept through, the one or two that kept me awake, and the handful that I really wanted to see but never got around to. ("John Rabe", Sean Penn's "Milk", a Persian film called "Barbareye Elly", the latest Wajda, and a few others). Of the half dozen competition films I did get to, not one was a real winner, and most were so...
Looking back over 30 years of Panorama Wieland Speck talks about interconnections between the films and their socio-political contexts: “We look in this treasure chest and are happy to discover that none of the themes we tackled then have lost their relevance today.” Alongside current feature and documentary films, this year’s programme includes historical Panorama films as well as all ten previous winners of the Panorama Audience Award. The consequences of globalisation are explored from ...
There are at least half a dozen daily newspapers that come out every day in Berlin and it is easy to see which personalities are the flavors of the day just by glancing at the pictures that adorn the front pages every day here during the festival. Yesterday it was all Tom Tykwer, tall pleasant-looking 43 year old director of the festival's opening film "The International", with a bit of backup by the star of his pic, handsome English action hero Clive Owen. Now that former avant-garde German dir...
There are at least half a dozen daily newpapers that come out every day in Berlin and it is easy to see which personalities are the flavors of the day just by glancing at the pictures that adorn the front pages every day here during the festival.
Yesterday it was all Tom Tykwer, tall pleasant-looking 43 year old director of the festival's opening film "The Internmational", with a bit of backup by the star of his pic, handsome English action hero Clive Owen. Now that former av...
There are at least half a dozen daily newpapers that come out every day in Berlin and it is easy to see which personalities are the flavors of the day just by glancing at the pictures that adorn the front pages every day here during the festival. Yesterday it was all Tom Tykwer, tall pleasant-looking 43 year old director of the festival's opening film "The Internmational", with a bit of backup by the star of his pic, handsome English action hero Clive Owen. Now that former avant-garde German d...
Director: Cheng Ding An.
Battling the onslaught of a life threatening stage of diabetics, an entire board of unapproving officials ready to oust him, a record of 12 years of Malaysian football supremacy, Uncle Choo defiantly returns to the Singapore football scene in 1977 restoring Nationalistic pride.
This is a tale about sheer grit, unbreakable will and his deep passion, unyielding struggle with society and oneself, to finally achieve glory for one’s nation thru football and coined one legacy unwittingly, known to all as “The Kallang Roar” which is of nothing to himself at the end of it.
We here, at fest21.com, loved Taken Liam Neeson latest film which was produced by Luc Besson.
What a surprise to find out that Liam could beat Bond at ass kicking. The film goes out on DVD and Blue Ray.
We had a chance to discuss with Liam about the film.
This is an intense film – can you talk about the difficulties of the shoot?
First, I love the physicality in films. It’s always great to get the chance to flex your muscles. I’ve done quite a few action films, sword mov...
We here at filmfestivals.com loved Taken. what a surprise to find out that Liam could beat Bond at ass kicking.We had a chance to discuss with Liam about the filmThis is an intense film – can you talk about the difficulties of the shoot?First, I love the physicality in films. It’s always great to get the chance to flex your muscles. I’ve done quite a few action films, sword movies, plus there’s been a lightsabre or two, and this was something, which, when I read the script, I thought ‘...
The Stockholm Int Film Festival is one of the leading competitive film festivals in Northern Europe and with the fastest growing industry office in the region. Focus on emerging directors in contemporary film plus strong American indie & Asian sections.
The 4th Annual Dixie Film Festival lands in Athens, GA this October 12-13, 2007. The (two day) film festival will showcase the top films in their competition division and conclude with over a dozen awards in various categories.
John More speaks to the Actress Silvia Colloca
“Van Helsing” a US May 7 release written and directed by Stephen Sommers, (“The Mummy” and “The Return of the Mummy”) starring Hugh Jackman (Van Helsing, Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale), Richard Roxburgh (Dracula) and his 3 wives: Silvia Colloca...
John More: Hi Silvia, you have an important role in the Hollywood film “Van Helsing”, can you tell us about the synopsis?
Silvia Colloca: Set...