The 2nd International Uranium Film Festival of Rio de Janeiro 2012 awarded
films from USA, Sweden and Germany with the Festival’s "Yellow Oscar". Bill
Keisling's "Not for Public Release: a Nuclear Incident in Lock Haven", USA,
received the Best Feature Award, and Swedish Filmmaker Marko Kattilakoski
received the Short film Award for his movie Coffee Break (Fikapaus). "Leonids
Story" by German film director Rainer Ludwigs and Ukrainian producer Tetyana ...
The 2012
Uranium Film Festival’s Yellow Oscars go to Germany, Sweden, USA and Ukraine
Saturday, July the 14th ended the 2nd International Uranium Film
Festival in the Cinemateca Rio de Janeiro’s Modern Art Museum MAM. Three films
from USA, Sweden and Germany were honoured with the Festival’s Yellow Oscar
Awards. Bill Keislings "Not for Public Release: a Nuclear Incident in Lock
Haven", USA, received the Best Feature Award and Swedish Filmmaker Marko
The 66th Venice International Film Festival concluded with the presentation of the Golden Lion Award for best film to Lebanon by Samuel MAOZ (Israel, France, Germany). The festival ran 2nd to 12th September 2009.The Venezia 66 Jury, chaired by Ang Lee and comprised of Sandrine Bonnaire, Liliana Cavani, Joe Dante, Anurag Kashyap, Luciano Ligabue, Sergei Bodrov, having viewed all twenty-five films in competition, has decided as follows: Silver Lion for Best Director to: Shirin NESHAT for the film ...
The 66th Venice International Film Festival concluded with the presentation of the Golden Lion Award for best film to Lebanon by Samuel MAOZ (Israel, France, Germany). The festival ran 2nd to 12th September 2009.The Venezia 66 Jury, chaired by Ang Lee and comprised of Sandrine Bonnaire, Liliana Cavani, Joe Dante, Anurag Kashyap, Luciano Ligabue, Sergei Bodrov, having viewed all twenty-five films in competition, has decided as follows: Silver Lion for Best Director to: Shirin NESHAT ...
Portable Film Festival 2009 proudly presents the prizes for this year’s entries! With a great race still to run before the voting closes on August 31st, we urge you Film Festival lovers to get online and check out the 180 big, big films we’ve lined up for your small screen this year…Category prizes for the Portable Film Festival 2009 include the Short Film Award, Music Video Award, Get Animated Award, Look at Me Award, First Hand Capture Award, and Feature Film Award, all decided on the st...
HAMPTONS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ANNOUNCES ITS PROGRAMOne hundred miles to the east of New York City, at the tip of Long Island, the various villages of the Hamptons are world renowned as the summer playground for the rich and famous. Now that Summer is over and the first chill of the Fall season is in the air, the Hamptons are gearing up for what has become another celebrated event….the 12th edition of the Hamptons International film Festival. Running from October 20th through the 24th, t...