Filmmakers and screenwriters from all over the globe including the United Kingdom, Australia, Turkey, Argentina, France, Sweden, Trinidad, Sierra Leone, Bahrain, Romania, Israel, the US, and Canada travelled to Toronto to participate in and celebrate in the 10th Anniversary Female Eye Film Festival (June 20th – 24th, 2012). In a shaky economy The Female Eye Film Festival held strong with unprecedented screenings, script readings, industry panel discussions and the FeFF 10th Anniversary Phot...
The following musical films are now in line up for Cannes Market 2012:
1. The Cal Crew (Caucasian Love Returned)
2. The Cursed Riddles Of California
3. Vancouver Midnight Movies
1.The Cal Crew (Caucasian Love Returned):
2. The Cursed Riddles Of California
3.Vancouver Midnight Movies
The Cal Crew (Caucasian Love Return...
“The Cal Crew (Caucasian Love Returned)” Feature Long Musical Based on the USA Now Released.
Los Angeles,CA: Two epic musicals storm the
internet and international markets all over the world.
1. “The Cal Crew (Caucasian Love Returned)”
2. “The Cursed Riddles of California”
17 North American actors, actresses and dancers swirl away in all the
towns and cities of California in a passionate celebration of love,
Omer Pasha, now a complete multimedia man has more
than 1000 music videos/short movies and videos over the web. Omer Pasha
produces all his work in Vancouver, BC Canada and is part of Cannes
Market every year in Cannes. Omer Pasha movies cover major colossal
themes of mystery, psychedelic animation, sex, erotica, women, fashion,
religion, art, action, thriller, horror, funny and futuristic upbeat
racy videos/short films.
Vancouver,BC , April 19, 2012
Omer Pas...