French-born Catherine Buresi became the new Deputy Director of the Berlinale’s European Film Market (EFM) on September 1, 2008. She succeeds Karen Arikian, who became Executive Director of the Hamptons International Film Festival in March 2008.“I am happy to welcome Catherine Buresi to the EFM team and continuing to develop the EFM together with her”, comments EFM Director Beki Probst.Catherine Buresi has been working in the international media and film industry for almost 20 years. From 1...
« VoD – quelles licences pour quels marchés ? » est le thème de l’après-midi de l’Observatoire européen de l’audiovisuel organisé à Cannes cette année. Au fil des ans, cet atelier s’est imposé comme un événement incontournable du calendrier cannois, l’année dernière ayant été exceptionnelle avec 350 professionnels du cinéma rassemblés au Salon des Ambassadeurs pour écouter les dernières analyses présentées par l’Observatoire. L’accès à cet atelier sera à...
FESTIVALS AGENDA SUBMISSION CALENDARS Festivals calling for your films... This week, this month... _______________________________________________________________________________________ AWARDS THE AWARDS WATCH ON FEST21.COM Oscar and more ...
"VoD - which licences for which markets?" is the theme of this year's European Audiovisual Observatory Afternoon in Cannes. This workshop has become a key part of the Cannes calendar and broke all records last year when over 350 cinema professionals crowded into the Salon des Ambassadeurs to hear the Observatory's latest industry-based analyses. This year's edition is, once again, freely accessible to everyone accredited to the market or festival. It will take place on Sunday 18th of M...
« VoD - quelles licences pour quels marchés ? » est le thème de l'après-midi de l'Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel organisé à Cannes cette année. Au fil des ans, cet atelier s'est imposé comme un événement incontournable du calendrier cannois, l'année dernière ayant été exceptionnelle avec 350 professionnels du cinéma rassemblés au Salon des Ambassadeurs pour écouter les dernières analyses présentées par l'Observatoire. L'accès à cet atelier sera à nouveau gratuit ...
SIAE PRIZE FOR BEST ITALIAN PROJECT to:“RETURNING TO HAIFA” by Mohsen MellitiA human look into the suffering of exile on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.The story of a Palestinian couple who, following the proclamation of the independent Jewish state of Israel in 1948, are forced to leave their home in the Palestinian town of Haifa. Tragically, during the confusion of the Israeli invasion the couple - Sayd and Safya - become separated from their five months old son, Khaldun.Mo...
Tuesday, October 9-------Although he was not strictly an actor, nor was his work in films his most enduring legacy, it is important nevertheless to mark the passing of Marcel Marceau, the internationally famous French pantomimist, who died at the age of 84 on September 24th. Although his visage was one of the most famous in international culture, it was ironically always obscured by his trademark white makeup. Few except close associates would even recognize the man outside of his mime person...
Organisée par le Mad Ciné Club, la 13è édition de L'Étrange Festival Strasbourg aura lieu du 24 au 28 octobre prochain au cinéma L‘Odyssée (3, rue des Francs bourgeois - tél : 03 88 75 11 52).L'Etrange Festival, c'est quoi, au juste ?Une manifestation unique en son genre dont l'objet est de faire découvrir des films autres, extravagants, insol...
For the event of the Cannes International Film Market, the European Audiovisual Observatory and the French Directorate for the Development is presenting a study of the video-on-demand usage within 24 European countries. This study is being completed by NPA Conseil. As stated in the Press Release in Strasbourg: "The study analyses the various technical methods used for video-on-demand, the various economic models applied, the debate on regulation, and the place of video-on-demand in the cine...
Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's film THE LIVES OF OTHERS (DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN) has received the Academy Award for "Best Foreign Language Film" from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood. "This award is an honour and the greatest compliment both for me as well as the fantastic work of so many people who worked on this film and gave their best. The German cinema is full of power and has experienced an enormous upswing in recent years. I am very happy and grateful to be ...