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Enter your film and join us in paradise November 11- 20, 2011!
Sophia was just cast as a "Godess' in the new feature film
'Falcyyr' of Unicovia Pictures
Sophia started out in dance, community theatre and playing piano since she was five years old.
Sophia was just cast as a "Godess' in the new feature film
'Falcyyr' of Unicovia Pictures
Sophia started out in dance, community theatre and playing piano since she was five years old.
Sophie's first introduction to film was in
”Santa Claus in Baghdad” RA Visions Productions"
as an extra and was hooked. She then participated as an extra in
”Soul Sister”OracleVoice Films" .
She started taking acting classes and loved it with a passion that would contin...
Classic Western Goes Green! The Going Green Film Festival not only
encourages green filmmaking, it rewards it. Visit to submit your film now for a
chance to win a Hybrid! Festival runs April 2-4, 2010 at the Writers
What It’s Like to Chill Out With Whom the Rest of the World Considers As The Most uthless Men in the World : Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic
Confessions of a Female War Crimes Investigator
Retrospectively, it was all so simple, natural and matter of fact being on a boat estaurant in Belgrade, sitting with, laughing, drinking a two hundred bottle of wine and chatting about war and peace while Ratko Mladic
The information the CIA & US Department of State ignored that could have prevented
the 9/11 terrorist attacks on NYC.
The information the CIA & US Department of State ignored that could have prevented
9/11. Darko trifunovic and I faxed every United Nations member state "mission"
immediately prio to 9/1, but in particular the United States Mission to the United Nations,
CIA and U
The information the CIA & US Department of State ignored that could have prevented
the 9/11 terrorist attacks on NYC.
The information the CIA & US Department of State ignored that could have prevented
9/11. Darko trifunovic and I faxed every United Nations member state "mission"
immediately prio to 9/1, but in particular the United States Mission to the United Nations,
CIA and U
Additional Proof West Milford NJ/USA Police Tried To Kill Me
It was in this emergency snow storm in the late 1990s when I was attending William Paterson College in Wayne NJ I was livin
We are pleased to announce that "The Monday Before Thanksgiving" written and directed by Courtney Cox will be programmed at the Lady FIlmmakers Film Festival! The film stars Laura Dern, Rosemary Harris, and Courtney Cox.The festival boasts two other films with famous names and faces. The films "This Life" directed by Sarah Spillane starring Danny Glover and "Slap" directed by Grant Barbeito stars Clancy Brown and Mel Rodriguez.Tickets are available on www.ladyfilmma...
Hitoshi Matsumoto's 2nd Midnight Madness film is decidedly
amazing and absolutely, without a doubt, hilarious. MIDNIGHT MADNESS!
Director Michael Bassett and actor James Purefoy bring Solomon Kane to life in a film that will probably make the character as well known as his cousin Conan the Barbarian... Great flick! ...
It was literally just an excuse to show a tonne of cleavage. Just go out right now and rent Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! or literally ANY other film by Russ Meyer, you pervert. ...
Just when you thought spectacle was taking over Midnight Madness, a real gem of a picture gets thrown up on the screen and blows everybody away. Lots of blood. Also, MIDNIGHT MADNESS!!!!!! ...
George A. Romero is now a Canadian Citizen living in Toronto. So that means he gets a special award. Plus, his newest film, Survival of the Dead screened at Midnight madness! Did we mention that Midnight Madness is on right now? ...
Daybreakers is set in a world after the bat-spawned vampire plague converted the vast majority of humans into blood-sucking chain-smoking nocturnal regular joes who have to shave by watching themselves in a video feed.
Not a bad little flick, even if it wasn't really scary or Midnight Madnessey. Yes, Midnight Madness is officially ON!
Woody Allen's new film Whatever Works starring Larry David and Evan Rachel Wood was screened here in San Sebastian yesterday. The film played to an enthusiastic press audience: there was laughter and applause at all the right moments, and the daily newspaper review here stated that it harkens back to some of his best work.
The film follows Larry David as an early Allen-esque character--New Yorker, neuroses and all--who meets and befriends a Mississippi ingénue played by Evan Rache...
CAMBOFEST, Cambodia - 2009 Edition Venue Announcement & Sponsor Info
Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Cambodia’s first internationally recognized independent movie festival, CAMBOFEST: Film and Video
Festival of Cambodia will commence its 3rd season on December 4th,
2009, running through December 6th (with sneak previews anticipated on
3rd - including some Best Of CamboFest 2007/2008 Movies)
This year’s CamboFest will unspool near Cambodia...
Mary Pickford
Hollywood Elite turns out for premiere of documentary Mary Pickford, Muse of the Movies
Watch the gala here -
A very successful LA the Academy in Beverly Hills...
The film is officially entered into this years Oscar race for Best Documentary Feature Film...
and just signed with Here Films for World Wide Distributi...
See the gala In Hollywood for Oscar Nominated documentary on Mary Pickford here -