"The Three Rooms of the Melancholia" directed by Pirjo Honkasalo.
This year diverse proposals in the official section in competition have appeared, among them stands out: The Three Rooms of the Melancholia directed by Pirjo Honkasalo, from Helsinki. Pirjo stands out as an excellent documentalist what is demonstrated in his film. The Three Roms of the Melancholia is a different documentary about
the war between Chechen and Russians. The first room shows russian children on Kronstadt, an island that lies before (in front?) St. Petersburg. There, president Putin has established a military school for orphaned children. These children’s imagined enemy are the chechen. The second room shows the devastation that has left the war. Then,
the last room shows chechen children in Chechenia and Ingushetia, in the family of Gatoeva, which now consists of 63 orphans for whom Hadizhat has to act like a mother. She brought them together from the ruins of a devastated Grozy. Almost all of their parents were killed by the russians. The three rooms of the melancholia shows the lost childhood of these boys, who without knowing itself know that they are enemies.
"Downfall" by Oliver Hirschbiegerl
On April 1945 a nation awaits its downfall, the day before Hitler`s birthday, this film shows a diffrent point of view of the second war. Hitler and his closest confidents have barricaded themselves in the Führer’s bunker; among them we have the point of view of
Traudl Junger Hitler`s private secretary. Outside the bunker the film develops the end of the Nazi dictatorship from the point of view of a boy who have to defend the nazi government from the russian soldiers. Most of the Nazis try to escape of Berlin and the
faithfuls to Hitler finish their lives with him. Shortly thereafter, Traudl Juger and several other manage to escape at the last minute.
"Tatooed " by Eduardo Raspo
Paco is a teenager that has a strange tattoo in his forearm and he knows that was his mother’s last message before she left him and his father months ago before she died.
He wants to know the true of that tattoo and why she left when she had a terminal illness. Paco goes with his father and his girlfriend to a small town in Las Pampas to find the truth; in this place the three personages will find themselves. This movie have a simple story with a perfect time, It does not try to be more of what is, with Nahuel Perez Biscayart 's very good performance.
Three countries, three ages, three solitary women.
They have presented three movies that in spite of their differences they have solitary women in the leading role:
"The Sleeping Child" by Yasmine Kassari from Belgium / France / Luxembourg
In the northeast of the contemporary Morocoo, Zeinab a young girl watches her husband leave the country the day after their wedding. Her husband and other men go to Spain to find a better job and in a future find the papers of residence to take his wives with it him. Zeinab is expecting a child, while she is waiting for her husband to return she lulls the foetus to sleep, the time goes by and the husband does not come back. This film shows the life of Zenab, her cousin and her grandmather, showing us the social differences of the women.
"Lest you should forget me" by Patricia Ferreira from Spain
Irene lives with her son David, a and ther father Mateo. David is the only son of a separated couple that time ago lived in germany. David have a girlfriend, Clara and both are completely in love and want to live together. However, David is powerless to calm the hostility of his mother for his relationship. This is because she thinks that a cashier of supermarket cannot give a good future to his son. This was a good film but very predictable ending.
“P.S.” by Dylan Kidd From United States
This is the film of the love story of Louise Harrington ( Laura Linney) a divorced thirty- something woman that`s work in the addmission`s office at Columbia University School of Arts.
Luise resive an application of Scott Feinstand ( Topher Grace), he bears an uncamy resemblance to Luise`s high school boyfriend and one true love, an artist who died in a car acciedent twenty years earlier.Luise and Scott have a embarked on a passionately uninhibited affair.
The movie has an interesting and ironic humor and a nice music that works very ggod this this north american movie.
By Ana Laura Fanelli