With more of 400 films received and an increase of countries participants, The International Festival of Cinema Euro Arab predicts a VI intense edition in contents
A year more the International Festival of Cinema Euro Arab gives appointment to all the passionate of the cinema. In this VI edition, AMAL has a main number of participants and with the incorporation of new countries that were not present the last year, as it is the case of Greece, Holland, Sweden or Venezuela.
In this VI edition of AMAL exists a remarkable increase in the participation of some already usual countries in the Festival. This is the case of Spain, Iraq, Palestinian, Morocco, France and Egypt.
The increase of their films is by different historical causes. Since years ago exists a strong union between the Foundation Araguaney and Palestinian. The Foundation always has struggled by the rights of the Palestinian and it have helped in diverse activities for developing this country. This union between both countries explains his considerable presence in the Festival.
Regarding the presence of Egypt, and although there are people that don’t know it, Egypt was one of the first countries in knowing the cinema of the hand of the brothers Lumière in the century XIX. Since the beginning of our Festival in the 2003, the films of Egypt always are present and his participation highlights above other countries.
Iraq, after a lot of years of war, is in a moment of relative freedom. In this way, Iraq takes advantage of this situation to show, through the world of the cinema, all what has not been able to say during the last years.
Regarding the last edition, we observe that the number of co-productions has been duplicated. This shows the effectiveness of initiatives like AMAL Festival that pretends to facilitate the contact and the collaboration between industries of different countries.
Attending to the classification of films by categories we observe, if in past editions the short film was the category by excellence between all the films received, in this VI edition of long films has increased notably his participation. This increase of long films indicates a bets investor from the Arab cinema and the wish to achieve an international recognition with a participation more active in festivals.
At this moment in time, the members of the committee are watching the last films that they have received. We will be around the middle of the next month of August when it will know the official section of the films that will compete in the VI edition of the International Festival of Cinema Euro Arab that will celebrate from the 25th to the 31st of October in Santiago of Compostela. The last day of the festival, the members of the jury will proceed to the delivery of prizes, which are worth by the following economic quantities:
Better long film of fiction 5.000€
Better documentary 3.500€
Better short film of fiction 1.200€
Better short film documentary 1.200€
Better director 4.000€
Better Prize actress Trophy
Better Prize actor Trophy
Prize Amal of the public 1.500€
This Festival is organized by Araguaney Foundation. This Foundation is a nonprofit-organization with cultural ends. The Foundation pretends to achieve an union between the Arab and the occidental culture, in addition to give support to creators and artists of any part of the world.
Year after year AMAL Festival has consolidated with a very good reception by the public and an excellent repercussion in national and international level. We are in front of one of the main festivals of Arab cinema in the world, besides being the only in Spain of this thematic.